In Search of the Holy Grail

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

April 13, 2007

2 Min Read
In Search of the Holy Grail

A guest blog spot by ISS Associate Editor Elaine Foxwell.

I have fond memories of Canada from living there for a few years as well as later visits. One of my most memorable occurred a while back when some hockey-loving friends and I made a pilgrimage to see the Holy Grailthe Stanley Cup. During the whole trip, we chatted about experiencing two things Canadian: the Cup and Tim Hortons donuts. I was also anticipating seeing my former home in Toronto. Wow, was I in for a surprise as I walked around the city gawking like a tourist at all the changes.


But change is good, as I quickly found out talking to representatives of the Canadian storage industry as I put together my first issue of ISS Canada. First, Canadian storage is not a clone of its U.S. counterpart. True, the industry has adopted principles, practices and designs from its Southern cousin. But there the similarity ends.

Canadians are independent people. I should know, my Mum is Canadian and vows to never give up her nationality no matter where she lives. It is obvious, as the industry has evolved over the past two decades, so has its approach to its customers.

Look for this exciting issue when it hits the stands next month and also on our website, This issue is just a small offering to help give Canadian operators the jump on their competition. I want to thank everyone who came through with some outstanding articles including those helpful and friendly chaps at Canadian Metals who provided me with sources, support and encouragement..

Today, in addition to yelling my brains out for the Maple Leafs, drinking Red Rose tea and munching too many of those incomparable donuts (when my friends send em to me), I have some new Canadian friends. To coin some terms from my second-favorite sport: It is obvious to me the storage industry is well past face off and on the power play toward winning the game. And as my friend, a former center for a semi-pro Canadian team, sighed as he viewed the Cup, Now this is perfection.

And if you want to chat hockey, post comments to this blog or drop me a line at [email protected].

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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