Chesterfield County, Va., Self-Storage Facilities Thriving
The number of self-storage facilities in Chesterfield County, Va., has continued to grow despite the slow economy over the past two years.
November 5, 2009
The number of self-storage facilities in Chesterfield County, Va., has continued to grow despite the slow economy over the past two years. The county now has 35 facilities, up 13 percent from two years ago, and offers roughly 1.3 million square feet of storage space. That’s about 4.63 square feet of storage per county citizen. There are about 1,060 self-storage facilities in Virginia.
Storage professionals believe the increase is, in part, due to the changing face of self-storage. More facilities are located near residential and retail and blend aesthetically. While most renters are residential, the commercial business is also growing.
Source: Chesterfield Observer, Consumerism Drives Opening of More Self-Storage Facilities
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