State Your Case
January 1, 1999
State Your Case
I have to admit that each year, the January issue of Inside Self-Storage is oneof my favorites. Why? Because it contains our annual "State of the Industry"article. It offers readers the chance to step back and take a look at the self-storageindustry as a whole. And while it may not hold the weight of President Clinton's"State of the Union" address, or even your governor's "State of theState" speech, it serves the same purpose for the self-storage industry--namely:Where is the self-storage industry right now?
A business that 20 years ago was just budding as a viable real-estate product is now arespected operation that many communities have begun to embrace as a necessity. The growthin the past five to six years has been phenomenal, to say the least, which leads some tobelieve that the self-storage market is ripe for a fall. Others aren't so sure. We'vetalked to some of the industry's foremost experts, to get their forecast on the health ofthe self-storage industry for the upcoming year and beyond.
Wondering how the drop in interest rates is affecting the self-storage industry? Areprint of the Argus Self Storage Sales Network Market Monitor explains that thingsmight not be so rosy.
Read the story behind how a single storage facility in Tumwater, Wash., built in the'60s, was the beginning of one of the industry's most respected corporations: ShurgardStorage Centers. Now a REIT, Shurgard recently celebrated its 25-year anniversary. Thismonth, we commemorate and applaud Shurgard's quarter of a century of success.
Plus, we invite you to check out a new column entitled "Hard-NosedMarketing." The monthly column, by marketing veteran Harley Rolfe, will focus onapplying traditional marketing principles to self-storage. Rolfe, now retired fromexecutive-level positions at AT&T and GE, as well as an owner of lodging and officefacilities, currently serves as a part-time office assistant for a self-storage facilityin Nampa, Idaho. We hope you enjoy this addition to the magazine, along with our othermonthly and bi-monthly columns in this issue, including "Records Management,""Managers' World," "Ask the Waldmans," and "InsuranceCorner."
Last, but not least, don't forget to make your plans for the biggest storage trade showin the business, the Inside Self-Storage Expo, Feb. 2-5 in Las Vegas. Not only will you beinformed by some of the industry's brightest minds, a three-day hands-on expo will allowyou to meet with vendors and see the latest products and services that self-storage has tooffer. While you're there, don't forget to stop and say "hello" at the InsideSelf-Storage booth. We love to hear from you and any suggestions you might have forthe magazine.
Best Regards,
Tom Brecke
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