More Self-Storage on YouTube ... and on the Discount Bandwagon

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

May 22, 2009

3 Min Read
More Self-Storage on YouTube ... and on the Discount Bandwagon

U-Store-It recently launched its all-new ad campaign that contains its first-ever TV advertising as well as radio spots to back them up. The big self-storage players are stepping up their marketing programs this summer, offering concessions to keep business alive. And there's no doubt there will be trickle-down effect as small, independent self-storage businesses scramble to compete.

U-Store-It's campaign is for "Lowest Price Guaranteed." Anyone who can find lower rent on a unit of comparable size within three miles of a U-Store-It facility will get a rate that beats the competitor by 10 percent of the difference. So if Facility A is charging $40 and U-Store-It is charging $45, the customer pays $39.50 at U-Store-It.

Tell me ... Are there U-Store-It facilities within three miles of you? Are your rates lower? Not anymore, they're not.

But I don't blame the company for its enterprising approach, which includes a social-media component. Not only is U-Store-It airing its commercial in 23 major markets nationwide, it's put the spot on YouTube for the planet's viewing pleasure. So far, it's only had 326 views—one of which is mine—but it's still smart strategy to get your promotional materials seen via as many social sites as possible.

Out of curiosity, I searched YouTube for other self-storage videos, and I was pleasantly surprised to see just how many of you out there have been enterprising enough to create a clip. Many are promotional videos produced by legitimate self-storage operations, but others are spoofs and social commentaries on our business.

For example, Self Storage: The Pilot Trailer is "the story of two brothers who have to find a way to work together at their family owned self-storage facility." It opens with the narrator saying, "Ok, listen, I'm just gonna tell you this straight up: You got too much s**t. Seriously." It's only five minutes long; if you want a good laugh, check it out. See what one of the brothers is doing in an unrented unit!

Storage companies using YouTube to promote their businesses include SafeGard Self Storage, Bay Area Self Storage, South Lamar Self Storage & Wine Cellar, Atlantis Discount Self Storage and many others. You don't have to be U-Store-It or other large operator to create a competitive, multi-media marketing campaign. It just takes some ingenuity and a bit of tech savvy. I'm sure you all have someone among your family, friends or community who can help bring you into the digital age if you don't personally feel up to the task.

This summer, things are going to get hot, and I don't mean the temperature. The fires of competition are getting higher in many markets. Are tactics that smack of desperation going to hurt this business in the long run, or will it make us all seem more "user-friendly" to the public? Let me know your thoughts. And if you want to join a more interactive conversation, jump into this thread at Self-Storage Talk: Intimidated by new U-Store-It campaign?

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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