Being a Bit Confrontational for a Purpose

Blogger Gina Six Kudo discusses the fall out from last week's blog in which she talked about self-storage manager salaries.

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

July 9, 2010

3 Min Read
Being a Bit Confrontational for a Purpose

In my last blog, I tackled something a bit controversial. The blog grew from a Self-Storage Talk thread about wages in our industry. The blog s parked more debate on the topic with, thankfully, both sides of the equation checking in. Insightful and enlightening, despite the praise and hits I took personally, Im thankful for all of the professionals that weighed in on the topic.

Much like the Congressional Confirmation hearings in Washington D.C. can take on a mind of its own, so too can our discussion board. Laws from state to state, and the interpretation of such can be vastly different based on your circumstances and situation. I have no doubt Solicitor General Elena Kagan has her view of how the law is interpreted, and her view may be decidedly different from some of the people on the confirmation board. But problem-solving involves debate, sometimes even heated debate, but it all points to a common goalwhat's best for those involved and impacted by the topic at hand.

For the record, there's no pay involved in writing these blogs. I am only attempting, whether I agree or not, to present varying points of view from the people at the front counter of storage facilities across our great nation. Some messages I receive scare me a bit, some may turn me off personally, but isnt that one purpose of having the Internet and the ability to reach far and wide?

People want to be heard, they want a voice, they want people to see their viewpoint and, hopefully, reach that happy medium of co-existence we all strive for in this crazy world. In that vein, I write blogs in hopes that whether it's a benign topic or one that can spark debate that it makes us all the better for openly discussing it.

Whether you agree or disagree with the topics presented or another persons viewpoint, the folks at Inside Self Storage have provided a venue for us to very openly discuss issues that are essential to our business and our industry. With record growth and some municipalities not being prepared for this odd creature called self-storage, which takes on many different manifestations, it's inherently obvious we need to educate the surrounding communities and each other to present a uniform and professional code of conduct and image.

Together we can grow and become recognized for the beauty that is self-storage, a world of professional, albeit imperfect individuals, striving to put forth the best product and services for our consumers that we can offer.

Know that at times I'm presenting topics that are not necessarily my own viewpoint, but if something crosses my path repeatedly, it must be a more prevalent topic than some of us may think. Therefore, I will present it for your consumption. Just as with everything in life, if you dont like it or dont agree, then you have the power to read, or not, disagree or, better yet, post a comment or log into Self-Storage Talk and offer a solution.

The best piece of advice Ill offer to everyone still reading this blog is this: Before you click submit on a post stop and think. How would you feel on the receiving end of your post? Would you be embarrassed if a loved one or a colleague viewed your missive? The World Wide Web is a fascinating, interesting and at the same time frightening place, and only you know if you have the courage to stand up and be heard.

If you're afraid or shy and have a topic you feel would be of interest to the readers, please e-mail me. With grace, humility, respect for each other and the occasional dose of humor, we can share, debate and reach some best case solutions for all involved.

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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