Inside Self-Storage Magazine 10/2004: Construction CornerInside Self-Storage Magazine 10/2004: Construction Corner

October 1, 2004

2 Min Read
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Construction Corner is a Q&A column committed to answeringreader-submitted questions regarding construction and development. Inquiries maybe sent to [email protected].

Q: I am looking to remodel my management of. ce and would like to build asecurity console to house my access and surveillance system. Any suggestions onwhat to include?

Russell in Victorville, Calif.

A: A well-built security console can be the centerpiece to anymanagement office. Though some companies offer prefabricated consoles, it isalmost always better to have one built by your cabinetmaker. It will be betterconstructed and have a more integrated look.

The standard for such a structure is to have a couple ofcut-outs near the top for your surveillance monitors and/or site graphics. Depending on your surveillance system, you may also want tohave a cut-out for a time-lapse or decoy VCR. You should have locks on the lowercabinet doors to prevent theft and prevent your relief managers from changingimportant settings.

Q: I have heard a lot of buzz about elevator control, but I dont reallyunderstand how it works. I would like to implement it at my four-story property.Could you give me some more information, including pros and cons?

Wendy in Phoenix

A: In its simplest form, elevator control is the restriction ofunauthorized access to the upper floors of a building. This is usually achievedby the use of an access keypad at the elevator bank. A tenant with a unit on thesecond floor will call the elevator, enter his code at the keypad, and pressthe second-floor button inside the elevator car. If he tries to press one ofthe other floor keys, the button will not light up and the elevator will not goanywhere.

The technical part of this is handled by relays that interfacebetween the keypad and elevator controllers. Your security software determinesif the code entered allows upstairs access and to which floor. It then closesthe relay for that floor and grants access.

The pro to this configuration is a more secure site. It keepstenants only on the floors on which they need to be and provides for tighter control over your site. The only con is tenant confusion. That can almost always be eliminated by good signage and managers providing instruction during the rental process.

Tony Gardner is a licensed contractor and installation managerfor QuikStor, a provider of self-storage security and software since 1987. Formore information, visit

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