What's Your Marketing Plan?

Marketing should be the No.1 priority for self-storage owners and operators in todays economic climate. Learn the new marketing strategies from experts in the industry at the Inside Self-Storage World Expo, or connect with other operators at Self-Storage Talk.

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

September 24, 2009

4 Min Read
What's Your Marketing Plan?

For the last two years, the Wal-Mart in my neighborhood has been undergoing transformation to become a “Super Wal-Mart” complete with retail, groceries, a McDonald’s, nail salon and photo studio. We’ve watched as construction crews shaped and molded the giant building, and suffered in confusion as store employees moved products around inside the store. During this time, employees had little information to offer shoppers about when the store would be complete.

About two months ago, groceries began appearing on shelves. A few weeks later, the beginnings of a McDonald’s appeared. Then 29 days ago, I noticed a small sign as I walked through the doors: Opening 28 days. As the days ticked by, there was more activity: fruits and veggies and frozen foods were put in place, the deli began taking shape and the McDonald’s opened for business.

I began to closely watch for info on the grand re-opening, speculating on what kind of marketing the retail behemoth would conjure up. I imagined door hangers and fliers announcing a celebration. Maybe a huge banner draped across the building’s brick façade or wind socks whirling and dancing. After all, we’d been waiting for the store to open for nearly two years.

But nothing came. Until yesterday, opening day. Stuffed between the Safeway and Fry’s weekly food mailer, there was a one-page glossy flier. But rather than announce the grand re-opening in a big way, the flier had the Wal-Mart logo on one side with a silly graphic that looked like a sun and the words, Let the WOW begin. On the other side was the tagline: Not just a new look. A new way to save. And underneath, in maybe 14-point font, was the grand opening announcement: Your new Wal-Mart is opening at 59th Ave. and Bell Road. It was followed by a few points about wider aisles and more options. A decent-looking flier, but hardly worthy of announcing something as major as a huge expansion.

And that’s all, folks. No door hangers, car fliers or even a huge welcoming banner out front. Wal-Mart spent two years reshaping its store, but put zero marketing behind its efforts.

Yes, you’d have to be an idiot not to notice the store was expanding. However, when you’re hoping to grab business from other nearby markets, including the Sprouts across the street, it deserves more than a pathetic one-page flier shoved into mailboxes.

When was the last time you looked at your marketing program? Have you missed an opportunity to reach out to your community and let them know you’re there? Marketing should be your No.1 priority in today’s economic climate. It used to be having a great site with all the bells and whistles, with an excellent customer service-oriented manager at the helm was all you needed to lure customers. Now, most of your competitors offer the same things. So what sets you apart? Your marketing.

If you’ve always relied on your Yellow Pages ad, wake up! Everyone has a YP ad. If you think your bright sign located on a busy road is going to ensure people turn into your parking lot, you’re wrong. You need a marketing plan.

If you’re not sure where to start, we can help. First, review the great articles on marketing from experts like Derek Naylor, the people at Michaels Wilder, and Mel Holsinger in the ISS online articles archive. These articles will guide you in the right direction.

Second, take advantage of the marketing seminars at the Inside Self-Storage World Expo. If you can’t make it to the upcoming expo in Washington, D.C., plan to be in Las Vegas, March 1-3. Learn from these industry experts. These guys and gals are owners, managers, consultants and vendors. They know the business and are more than ready to help.

Lastly, hop onto Self-Storage Talk and see what other owners and managers are doing. Some are working with local charities, others are experimenting with mailers. And if you have an incredible marketing idea, tell us about it.

Looking ahead, our January issue spotlights facility promotions and marketing. We have an amazing line up of great editorial on everything from online marketing to developing a direct marketing campaign. Plus, I’ll give you more details on all the remarkable marketing campaigns submitted to the ISS “Best in Self-Storage Marketing” Contest. I promise, you’ll be inspired by these campaigns.

Don’t be a Wal-Mart, thinking everyone knows who you are and what you have to offer. Tell your customers your story, and invite them to be a part of it.

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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