Marketing for the Holidays
December 1, 2000
Marketing for the Holidays
By Pamela Alton
Isit me, or do the seasons seem to fly by these days? Here we are in the midst ofwinter, with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming upon us faster than any of usseem prepared for. Now is the time to think about "specialtymarketing," which will incorporate these holidays and perhaps make yourfacility stand out above your competition.
Now is the time to think about a canned-food drive for needy families in yourcommunity. Contact your local church, chamber of commerce, homeless shelther,etc., and inform them that you wish to participate in a canned-food drive. Youmay elect to offer a small reward to your existing tenants. If they bring in somany canned goods, you will give them $5 off their rent for that month. Newrentals should also receive some sort of discount if they bring in goods at thetime of their rental.
Have a big box decorated with holiday themes and place it in front of youroffice for donations. Post notices throughout the facility so current tenantsknow about your efforts. You might also consider offering a "freeturkey" drawing: Each person who contributes canned goods or othernonperishable food items fills out a form for a drawing on a $25 giftcertificate for a local grocery store. Offering a $10 grocery gift certificateon each new rental is also a great marketing tool during this time of year. Anddon't forget to have that special banner made and hung on your building or signthat notifies the public you are collecting canned goods. Be sure to notify yourlocal media as well.
Christmas, Hanukkuh, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice...
This time of year is perfect for your local "Toys for Tots"campaign. Contact your local Marine Corp and volunteer to participate in itsprogram. A local children's hospital is another good place to contact. Similarto the canned-food drive, get a large barrel or box, wrap it in festive paperand place it in your front office. Again, post notices throughout your facilitywith information about the drive. You may also elect to offer a free drawing fora ham or turkey, like you did at Thanksgiving.
Other ideas include some creative promotions. Purchase several smallChristmas trees and give them away with each new rental. Offer a "PhotoWith Santa" promotion each Saturday afternoon in December and announce iton your outside advertising, sign and fliers. This will bring in existingtenants, as well as prospects who might not have otherwise visited your site.
Make sure with any specialty promotion that you mention it in your telephonesales presentation. Any community involvement should be noted with your localnewspaper, which may include a press release in its community section. This is afree service offered by most newspapers and will provide you priceless exposure.
Thisis the time of year when specialty marketing will pay off for you and yourfacility--as long as you promote your efforts with advertising, fliers andbanners. If you don't notify the local community of your efforts, then youaren't making the most of your time and energy. Start decorating for theholidays and thinking of ways to reach out to those in need. Happy Holidays!
Pamela Alton is the owner of Mini-Management®, a nationwidemanager- placement service. Mini-Management also offers full-service and"operations-only" facility management, training manuals, inspectionsand audits, feasibility studies, consulting and training seminars. For moreinformation, call (800) 646-4648.
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