Be PreparedProtecting your facility against winter weatherBe PreparedProtecting your facility against winter weather
November 1, 1999
Be Prepared
Protecting your facility against winter weather
By David Wilhite
Are you readyfor winter? Freezing temperatures, blustery winds, ice, sleet and snow can all causesevere damage to your self-storage facility and property, especially if you are notprepared for them. Winter conditions can present severe exposures to your building(s) andthe systems necessary to keep your self-storage facility running. Wet and icy conditionscan also increase your liability risk by presenting greater potential for your tenant toslip or fall.
To give you some idea of just how damaging cold temperatures and heavy snow can be,consider the blizzard of 1993, which was the fifth most costly insured catastrophe in thehistory of the United States, causing an estimated $1.75 billion in damage. Much of thedamage attributed to this storm--frozen pipes, roof collapse due to the weight of snow,and interior water seepage due to blocked roof drains--could have been reduced oreliminated had business owners been properly prepared. Unfortunately, due to the late dateof the storm (mid-March) and its unusually wide geographic coverage, many unsuspectingbusiness owners found themselves either unprepared or uninsured, and suffered majorlosses.
When considering the risk that winter weather poses to your self-storage facility, keepin mind that significant property damage may not necessarily occur only in those statesthat experience the harshest winters. Regions in which cold weather is the exception maysuffer even greater losses. For example, an Arctic cold wave hit the Deep South inDecember of 1996, plunging temperatures toward record lows. At that time, below-freezingconditions extended from the citrus country in Florida, all along the Mexican border,reaching far into Texas and causing major losses. (Of course, northern locations are mostlikely to be hard-hit on a regular basis. That same year, Minnesota and Iowa experiencedrecord blizzard conditions, with wind chills reaching 55 degrees below zero; and manyresidents of the Dakotas were stranded after two days of heavy snowstorms left drifts atrooftop levels).
Don't wait until disaster strikes--now is the time to take preventive action tominimize your risk exposures and reduce your damage claims. The following checklist canhelp you get started on a safe, loss-free winter.
Winter Weather Precaution Checklist for Storage-Facility Owners
Maintain indoor temperatures above 40 degrees in heated areas to prevent pipe freeze-ups.
Ensure that doors and windows are weather-tight and secure any unnecessary openings.
Inspect remote areas for possible freezing and keep portable heaters on hand.
Roofs and Gutters
Assess your roof's capacity for excessive snow loads (with the help of a structural engineer) and keep levels within safe bounds.
Monitor snow levels in roof areas susceptible to large drifts and clear excess accumulation immediately.
Heating Systems
Examine the entire heating system on a weekly basis during cold weather and repair any deficiencies immediately.
Ensure heating equipment is capable of maintaining building temperatures above freezing at the coldest point within the building.
Boilers: Completely drain idle equipment, elevate low points and dead ends, and check all service lines for freezing. Install heat tracing around control-line transmitter boxes and piping that carries water glass.
Water Lines
Regularly clear snow away from sprinkler-control valves, vents and other vital equipment.
Leave outside water faucets open to drain.
Install snap-on insulation on pipes subject to extreme wind chill.
Fire-Protection Equipment
Establish a regular maintenance program to ensure that snow and ice is cleared away from hydrants, sprinkler-control valves, smoke and heat vents, and other essential equipment so that all equipment is accessible during emergencies.
Lubricate all sprinkler-control valves and locks to prevent freezing.
Label the locations of outside sprinkler-control valves and hydrants for easy visibility.
If you do have a loss, take steps to control the damage. Move property out of harm'sway and protect it from the elements. Contact your insurance agent or broker as soon aspossible. Remember, no matter how large or small your self-storage facility may be,securing adequate coverage is essential for protecting your business and your peace ofmind.
David Wilhite is the marketing manager of Universal Insurance Facilities Inc.Universal offers a complete package of coverages specifically designed to meet the needsof the self-storage industry, including loss of income, employee dishonesty, comprehensivebusiness liability, hazardous-contents removal and customer storage. For more information,contact Universal at Box 40079, Phoenix, AZ 85067-0079; phone (800) 844-2101; fax (480)970-6240;
Winter-Weather Terminology
Know the terms used to forecast winter-weather conditions.
Winter-Storm Watch--Severe winter weather is possible in the affectedarea, which may include snow, ice or dangerous wind chills.
Winter-Storm Warning--Severe winter conditions have begun or are aboutto begin in your area.
Blizzard Warning--Snow and strong winds (generally above 35 mph) willcombine to produce a blinding snow (near zero visibility), deep drifts andlife-threatening wind chill.
Heavy-Snow Warning--Snow accumulations of six inches or more in 12hours or eight inches or more in 24 hours is expected.
Freezing-Rain Warning--Significant, and possibly damaging,accumulations of ice are expected.
Snow Advisory--New snowfall of 15 inches is expected.
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