Zoning Request for Self-Storage Conversion in PA RescheduledZoning Request for Self-Storage Conversion in PA Rescheduled

A zoning hearing scheduled Nov. 19 regarding the conversion of a former bakery in Summit Hill, Pa., to a self-storage facility has been postponed until Dec. 9.

November 20, 2009

1 Min Read
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A zoning hearing scheduled Nov. 19 regarding the conversion of a former bakery in Summit Hill, Pa., to a self-storage facility has been postponed until Dec. 9.

The hearing was requested by Todd Mason of Mason Realty. Attorney Michael Garfield, a solicitor for the zoning board, said plans to amend his application and seek relief under another section of the zoning ordinance, instead of the section he initially cited.

It was stipulated Mason will pay for advertising the new zoning hearing date.

Source:  Times News Inc.,Summit Hill Zoning Board Postpones Hearing on Self-Storage Facility Until Dec. 9

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