Bishop Self Storage in Pine, AZ, Supports Riff Raff 'Naked' Yard SaleBishop Self Storage in Pine, AZ, Supports Riff Raff 'Naked' Yard Sale
Bishop Self Storage in Pine, Ariz., is supporting the Riff Raff Naked Yard Sale by donating two self-storage units to store goods for the organization’s June 18 event. Held at Payson Concrete & Materials in Pine, the event is referred to as “naked” because vendors are prohibited from selling clothing. Computers and TVs will also be excluded from the sale. Donations can be dropped off on Saturdays at 3617 AZ-87, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
June 6, 2016
Bishop Self Storage in Pine, Ariz., is supporting the Riff Raff Naked Yard Sale by donating two self-storage units to store goods for the organization’s June 18 event. Held at Payson Concrete & Materials in Pine, the event is referred to as “naked” because vendors are prohibited from selling clothing. Computers and TVs will also be excluded from the sale. Donations can be dropped off on Saturdays at 3617 AZ-87, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Proceeds from the sale will benefit the communities of Pine and Strawberry, according to a Facebook post from the Riff Raff Club, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that has served the area for more than a decade. The money will be donated to the library, Pine/Strawberry Food Bank and school lunch programs. It will also fund holiday projects and provide college scholarships.
Bishop Self Storage offers a variety of unit sizes and property amenities, including video surveillance.
Riff Raff Club: Facebook
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