Wrap it Up...
December 1, 1999
Wrap it Up...
I have one of those mothers who spends more time wrapping her holiday gifts than sheactually spends picking them out. She's meticulous. The paper must be appropriate to thereceiving individual. The ribbon must be an impeccable match. Don't forget thecoordinating gift tags. And you always, always use that super-invisible, undetectablescotch tape--and lots of it.
It's the time of year to wrap things up, and though this issue of ISS doesn'tcome decked with a matching ribbon, we have plenty of surprises in store. No matter howdifficult it may be to keep focused on business matters during the hustle and bustle offruit cake and things that jingle, visiting relatives and credit-card bills, the show--orrather the rentals--must go on.
The end of the year is typically a time of reflection, and a time when peoplecontemplate shuffling out the old, ringing in the new. For a facility operator, this may,in part, pertain to your staff. Once you get through the holidays, will you finallypromote that part-timer who has been so patiently waiting? What to do about that managerwho constantly neglects lock checks? Before deciding, make sure you understand thepossible repercussions. This month, Scott Zucker reveals some "Secrets to SuccessfulStaffing" that will keep you up to date on the legalities of hiring and firingemployees. The new year may also be a good time to handle those neglected delinquencies.Refer to Pamela Alton's insights on tenant tracing.
A new year will certainly mean new development, but with such an expanding market,locating viable sites becomes an increasing challenge. Consider Michael Frede's article.He discusses how recent changes in environmental regulations have created some newdevelopment opportunities where prospects were previously grim.
Finally, a couple of other treats under the tree: Jeff Miller clears up some popularmisconceptions about Internet advertising ; the "Store Wars" update highlightsPhoenix development; and Cary McGovern talks about some changing attitudes towards recordsmanagement.
Before signing off, we'd like to address a serious matter. Last month, we published aletter regarding some concerns we have had about the Self Storage Association. In order tomake a preliminary step in resolving the conflicts addressed in that letter, the InsideSelf-Storage Expo that was to be held in Denver in May 2000 will be relocated to eitherBuffalo or Syracuse, N.Y., for two reasons: first, to respect the SSA's 25th anniversaryshow taking place in Denver next fall, and second, to present an opportunity to capturethe Toronto market--a goal Bill Martin of Chateau Products has been assisting us with.Although it will mean sacrificing the $10,000 invested in a hotel commitment in Denver, itwill allow vendors and attendees to better plan their 2000 schedule, and will show oursincere earnest in reopening lines of communication with the SSA, hopefully creatinggreater success in this industry, for everyone.
Best wishes during this holiday season,
Troy BixPublisher[email protected] | Teri L. LanzaEditor[email protected] |
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