Fouts Bros. UD-Isuzu-GMC TruckFouts Bros. UD-Isuzu-GMC Truck
April 1, 2001
Fouts Bros. UD-Isuzu-GMC Truck
Specializing in commercial trucks, parts and service
In1950, Jerry Fouts and his brother, C.J., opened a gas station and tire-recappingbusiness in Smyrna, Ga., a small Atlanta suburb. They called themselves FoutsBros., and as the years passed, that enterprise gave rise to a variety ofautomotive-related ventures, including a parts store, Nissan franchise andtruck-body building. Today, what started out as a small country gas station is anationally known leader in the commercial-truck business.
In 1984, Nissan began importing a medium-duty, diesel truck called UD, andFouts Bros. was one of the first dealers to take on the franchise. Since thattime, the company has become one of the top three full-line commercial-truckdealers in the country--both in sales and parts. It was the first dealer to puta towing and recovery body on a UD truck, which today is a principal choice forthe self-storage industry. In 1986, the brothers added the Isuzu and GMC linesto their offering, creating a broad spectrum of medium-duty trucks for customersto choose from.
The key element to the success of Fouts Bros. over the years has been itsdedication to being a truck specialist. Today, commercial trucks are thecompany's only business, as it takes on the role of transportation manager forits customers. Its trained sales staff has the knowledge to determine theappropriate truck for each customer's needs--and then supply it. Fouts trucks to customers of all vocations within the the United States andBermuda, including vending, landscaping, rent-to-own franchises andself-storage, just to name a few. It attends tradeshows all over the country tolearn the needs of the industries it sells to.
The service department at Fouts Bros. has 14 full-size bays and a staff ofcertified mechanics ready to repair customers' trucks and get them back to workas soon as possible. Its mechanics are certified to work on Isuzu, GMC, UD andCaterpillar Diesel engines, and Allison transmissions. It also offers a"Mobile Maintenance" truck that will travel to a customer's place ofbusiness after-hours or on weekends to perform oil changes, check-ups and otherminor repairs.
The parts department at Fouts Bros. is one of the largest and highest-volumepart distributors for commercial trucks in the United States. It has been theNo. 1 UD parts department in the United States for the past 15 years, and iscurrently ranked in the top 10 for Isuzu truck-part sales. Fouts Bros. stocks afull warehouse of commercial-truck parts, and those it doesn't carry can beordered and shipped overnight. It also has the ability to ship parts worldwide.
Fouts Bros. is proud of its top-dealer status, not only for UD trucks, butall its product lines. Today, the company sells and services several medium tolarge fleet accounts, as well as provides financing and leasing. It has beenawarded the GMC 5-Star Award for national excellence, Ichiban (No. 1) statuswith Isuzu, and UD's national Dealer of the Year award for 1998. Forself-storage operators in the market for a new or used commercial truck fortheir business, Fouts Bros. can provide the right truck for the right price.
Today, Fouts Bros. is managed by second-generation family members: Jerry'sdaughter, Sarah Wilder, and her husband, Bob. As they look to the future, theyare grooming their son, Jason, to one day take over the business for the nextgeneration. They hope to instill in him all they have learned from theirforerunners: Give the customer the best service at the fairest price and bethere when he needs you, and success will follow.
For more information or a price quote, call 800.948.5044; visit
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