Founder Launches

Jim Grant, founder of the self-storage auction website that merged three years ago with, has now launched The site allows facility operators in North America to conduct their lien sales online. Plans are underway to expand the site’s service to Australia and the United Kingdom, according to a press release.

February 7, 2017

1 Min Read Founder Launches

Jim Grant, founder of the self-storage auction website that merged three years ago with, has now launched The site allows facility operators in North America to conduct their lien sales online. Plans are underway to expand the site’s service to Australia and the United Kingdom, according to a press release.

The new site combines components of the original StorageBattles platform with new features, the release stated.

"We believe there is still plenty of opportunity for a new enterprise in this market, and we are well-positioned to succeed given our firsthand experience and industry relationships," Grant said. "We have taken our storage industry and auction know-how and listened to the needs of operators to create a newer, faster and easier-to-use website for self-storage auctions. And it's mobile-friendly, which allows bidders to buy and sell while on the move."

The new platform is hosted on two cloud-based servers in different locations. If one server goes down, all data on active auctions and bids can be retrieved without a break in service, the release stated.

In celebration of the launch, users can register for one month of free auction listings. Moving forward, those who choose the standard membership will pay 10 percent of each sale as a service fee. VIP memberships, available at $40 per month per facility, allow unlimited auction listings without cancellation fees, according to its website.

StorageBattles merged under the StorageTreasures name in 2014. StorageTreasures was in turn acquired in 2016 by OpenTech Alliance Inc., a Phoenix-based provider of self-storage kiosks, call-center services and other technology.



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