Sonne to Speak as Keynote at ISS Reno Expo
Chris Sonne, president of Self Storage Economics (SSE), will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Inside Self-Storage Expo in Reno, Nev., July 19-22, addressing the the state of the storage industry.
April 13, 2006
Chris Sonne, president of Self Storage Economics (SSE), will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Inside Self-Storage Expo in Reno, Nev., July 19-22, addressing the the state of the storage industry. Sonne will present data regarding market trends and sub-market profiles to help attendees grasp present-day supply, demand and equilibrium. SSE has analyzed and forecast market conditions in all 50 states and the top 100 metropolitan markets. The company has also completed analyses on local trade areas, which are the best indicators for determining the competitive positions of specific projects.
For more information on the Reno Expo, visit For more information about Sonne and SSE, visit
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