Battling the Enemy Within: Detecting and Preventing Self-Storage Employee TheftBattling the Enemy Within: Detecting and Preventing Self-Storage Employee Theft
Most self-storage staff are honest and loyal; but in every barrel, there can be at least one bad apple. Some managers have found creative ways to steal money, time, resources and more from their employers. When this happens, all parties bear responsibility—the employee for thieving and the owner or supervisor for failing to pay attention and allowing it to happen. The best path to avoid embezzlement is to prevent it from ever occurring. View this gallery to understand how your self-storage business is vulnerable to internal theft, warning signs to watch for and steps to take.
November 22, 2019

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Most self-storage staff are honest and loyal; but in every barrel, there can be at least one bad apple. Some managers have found creative ways to steal money, time, resources and more from their employers. When this happens, all parties bear responsibility—the employee for thieving and the owner or supervisor for failing to pay attention and allowing it to happen. The best path to avoid embezzlement is to prevent it from ever occurring. View this gallery to understand how your self-storage business is vulnerable to internal theft, warning signs to watch for and steps to take.
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