3 Steps to Writing a Perfect Résumé for a Self-Storage Position

In today’s competitive job market, it’s critical for self-storage job candidates to put their best foot forward. It begins with a well-crafted, error-free résumé. Learn how to write a great one that’ll catch the reviewer’s attention.

Grace Carter, Content Manager

March 7, 2019

4 Min Read
3 Steps to Writing a Perfect Résumé for a Self-Storage Position

The perfect résumé will put you ahead of the game when it comes to landing your dream job in the self-storage industry. It’s well worth taking the time to show off all your skills and get noticed by potential employers. Your abilities are as unique as you are, but if your writing lets you down, you won’t get past the first look.

If you haven’t created a résumé in a while, don’t worry. The format may have changed over the years, but with the following handy tips on style and content, you won’t miss a beat. Here’s how to create a résumé that gets you seen and lands that job you’ve always wanted.

Consider Design

First, it’s important you don’t rush when creating your résumé. Set aside some time and choose a quiet place to get it just right. After all, it’ll be the first thing viewed by an interviewer.

Appearance counts a great deal, and no matter how high-spec your content is, you’re going to need a great template to show off your talent. There are quite a few websites that offer templates. Make sure the one you use is straightforward and easily adapted.

These days, résumés contain more than just basic details and qualifications; they provide a complete rundown of your skills. A well-designed document will tell a self-storage owner or hiring manager everything he needs to know about you—without forcing him to pick out key information. “Don’t make a potential employee work too hard to understand your résumé. A clear, eye-catching design and easy-to-read structure will say everything you need about you and show that you understand how to present yourself well,” says Elena Costas, a résumé writer for Big Assignments, an Australian assignment-writing service.

Next, choose your font wisely. It should be a simple serif or sans-serif font, never script, which is difficult to read and might even come off as unprofessional. The only place where script might be appropriate is on your name. Even then, you need to ensure it’s legible.

The text should be black or dark blue, on a white to beige background. Never use colorful backgrounds as it makes the content unreadable and inexpert. Stick to neutral tones.

As for your personal information, no one needs your home address, marital status or anything similar. Include your e-mail address and phone number (just in case) and that’s pretty much it. Don’t add your picture unless asked.

Your summary or objective should be short, describing you in up to five sentences. It’s an overview of your career and your chance to grab the recruiter’s attention by telling him how you can help improve the company’s efficiency, productivity and so on.

Finally, incorporate keywords from the job advertisement. That’s what the company’s software program will be looking for when filtering through résumés. Don’t overdo it, but make sure they’re all there.

Show Your Soft Skills

Traditional résumés highlight your list of hard skills. They should cover the specifications set out in the job posting and show how proficient you are in all aspects of the job. These days, however, showing off your soft skills—those slightly more intangible elements of your personality—is how you stand out. These might include problem-solving, negotiation skills or being highly organized. Provide examples of these skills and how they’ve benefited your employers.

Focus on Language and Tone

Once you have your template at its best, it’s time to get your words just right. Everything you say counts. Don’t fill in just for the sake of a word count. You don’t need long and complicated language. Instead, provide clear, example-driven content. Of course, dates should be accurate and the whole résumé should be free of spelling and punctuation errors.

If you’re stuck for ideas and need pointers, these online tools will help:

  • Résuméntion offers general tips and writing assistance. Use this resource to get your language and overall appearance just right.

  • Via Writing and Studydemic are useful resources to help you avoid grammatical howlers and spelling errors. The sites also offer tips on how to correctly phrase your résumé.

  • OxEssays and PhD Writers can help with online proofreading.

  • State of Writing and My Writing Way are blogs that go in depth about careers and all things work-related.

  • Essay Roo and Boom Essays will help you hone and edit your résumé as well as check your writing style.

  • Writing Populist and Let’s Go and Learn are popular tools that’ll help you plan and craft your content via helpful writing guides.

Self-storage management is a competitive field with many experienced candidates vying for positions. Just having a long list of qualifications and job experiences is no longer enough. Employers are spoiled for choice, so how you present yourself and your abilities is critical.

Land at the top of the hiring pile by making use of these hacks. See how far a great résumé will take you! You’re more than just dates, qualifications and positions on a piece of paper, so let your résumé show what makes you the perfect asset for a self-storage business.

Grace Carter is a content manager at Academized and Boom Essays services. She develops content-marketing strategies, edits and proofreads content, and reviews submissions. She also teaches business writing at Assignment Help.

About the Author(s)

Grace Carter

Content Manager, Academized

Grace Carter is a content manager at Academized and Paper Fellows services. She develops content-marketing strategies, edits and proofreads content, and reviews submissions. She also teaches business writing at Eliteassignmenthelp.com.

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