Enhancing the Mood: 3 Ways to Make Your Self-Storage Office More Pleasant and ProductiveEnhancing the Mood: 3 Ways to Make Your Self-Storage Office More Pleasant and Productive
Though self-storage operators aren’t always tied to an office, there are times when deskwork is the order of the day. To avoid your work environment becoming dull and demotivating, here are three things you can do to ensure it boosts everyone’s mood and encourages productivity.

One of the joys of operating a self-storage facility is you’re rarely tied to the office. There’s always something to do outside: check locks and unit doors, tidy the grounds, network with local business owners, participate in community events, and more. Still, there are busy times when you have to be in the office to handle customer service or other management tasks. It can be difficult to get out and do things in the scorching summer heat or blustery winter months, too. Or maybe your role in your company is such that you’re always at a desk.
Working in an office day in and day out can become dull, which can bring down the general mood for employees and customers and negatively impact the business. So, here are three things you can do to perk up your office environment, boost everyone’s spirits and encourage productivity. After all, winter is coming…
1. Clean It—All of It
Take the time to clean the management office. Yes, it’s extra work, and no, it doesn’t necessarily need to be done frequently; but do it. Clean out the corners of the room, under the desk and the floorboards. Even if you only have time to do this weekly or bi-weekly, you and the business will benefit greatly. Maybe save cleaning for the last day of your work week, so you can end the week with a feeling of accomplishment.
Tidy up your workspace before you go home each day, so you arrive at work in the morning with a clean slate. Walking into a cluttered area can be overwhelming, so do yourself a mental-health favor and straighten up before you leave for the night.
2. Organize Everything
Though much of the material we work with nowadays is digital, you probably still have things on display in the office like rack cards, business cards, fliers, etc. Organize these so they’re “pretty” to look at. Presentation matters, and making a good visual impression helps shape customer perception.
Stand in the doorway and look around. Would the office benefit from moving some furniture or repositioning signage? If so, do it. Create an atmosphere you’re proud to be in, but always adhere to company policies to ensure you’re in line with any guidelines. You may want to check with your supervisor. You don’t want to get in trouble for trying to make improvements.
3. Personalize, But Don’t Clutter
Having a few small personal items can be a great mood-booster, but don’t overdo it. If you aren’t allowed to have family photos on display, find other ways to personalize your work area. These might include using a mousepad, pens and calendar you enjoy. Adding some flowers will brighten the space. As long as the items you choose are work appropriate, you should be fine, and you might be surprised at what it does for your attitude and efficiency.
Improving your self-storage office environment can positively impact the business every day. So, clean up before you go home, organize for an optimum visual presentation, and make it personal but professional. You spend hours upon hours of your life at work, so go out and make it a space you enjoy.
Mohala Johnson is the director of Web technology for Tellus Development Ltd., a real estate and development firm that operates more than 30 self-storage facilities in the Southeast. With more than 10 years of management and customer-service experience, she handles the company’s digital and print marketing. Writing has always been a passion of hers, and she’s excited to share her knowledge with the self-storage industry. Connect with her at www.linkedin.com/in/mohalajohnson. For more information, visit www.tellusltd.com.
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