Self Storage Group Changes Name to Global Self Storage, Updates SEC Status

Real estate investment trust (REIT) Self Storage Group Inc. has changed its name to Global Self Storage Inc. and updated its status with the Securities and Exchange Commission from an investment firm to an operating company. In addition, the company has begun trading on NASDAQ under the symbol “SELF,” according to a press release.

January 19, 2016

1 Min Read
Self Storage Group Changes Name to Global Self Storage, Updates SEC Status

Real estate investment trust (REIT) Self Storage Group Inc. has changed its name to Global Self Storage Inc. and updated its status with the Securities and Exchange Commission from an investment firm to an operating company. In addition, the company has begun trading on NASDAQ under the symbol “SELF,” according to a press release.

"The execution of these shareholder-approved changes marks the commencement of a new stage in our company's development," said Mark C. Winmill, president and CEO. "We are confident that our NASDAQ listing, which may greatly expand our universe of potential investors, coupled with our registration as an operating company, which provides improved reporting of our financial results, can ultimately drive long-term shareholder value."

The company is expected to report earnings on a quarterly basis beginning at the end of the first quarter of 2016, which is March 31.

Founded in 1983, Global Self Storage is a self-administered and -managed REIT focused on the acquisition, development and ownership of self-storage facilities in the United States. The company owns seven storage properties through its wholly owned subsidiaries in Illinois, Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania and South Carolina.


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