
July 1, 2003

3 Min Read


A division of The Michaels/Wilder Group

Would you like to make it easier for prospective customers to find your website? Would you like to be found when people looking for businesses like yours use a tool generating 2 million to 3 million searches each day? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, natural language navigation (NLN) keywords are for you.

NLN is one of the easiest search methods available to Internet surfers, allowing them to conduct a search from the address bar of their browsers. A person can now type keywords instead of a long web address (URL). For example, once he has upgraded his browser, he can type "keyword company" instead of the long, cumbersome address, http://www.keywordcompany.com. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to tell a prospective client to simply type your company's name instead of a complete web address when he looks for more information or attempts to contact you?

How does it work?

Keywords are words and phrases a business licenses that allow consumers to connect instantly via the Internet with the products or services it provides. Keywords are intuitive, familiar words and phrases, such as "company," "product," "brand" or even a personal name. Keywords can include punctuation and spaces.

By using NLN, customers can type whatever they are searching for directly into the browser bar, in the same way they speak and think. The concept is based on the idea that we should ask for what we want and get what we ask for in return. Prospects simply type your keywords directly into the address bar of their browsers and go directly to your website. NLN eases the search for information on the Internet by means of concise words. This tool simplifies Internet navigation, enabling immediate connection between users and businesses.

What does this mean to you?

You can virtually eliminate your competition when people are looking for you or your services. While search-engine campaigns are still a must for making people aware of your website and driving traffic to it, NLN can ensure yours is the only site found when searched by a particular keyword or phrase.

For example, if you were to type the phrase "Yellow Pages advertising" into the search engine Google, your search results would exceed 900,000. But if a surfer who has upgraded his browser with NLN enters the same phrase into his address bar, only one site, www.michaelswilder.com, would be retrieved. With NLN, once you license a word or phrase, it is yours until you decide to relinquish it. None of your competitors can have the word you have licensed, and your site will be the only one found when your word or phrase is searched.

Who else is using it?

There are currently 2 million to 3 million searches a day made direct from an address bar, and more than 6.8 million users have upgraded their browses so they can use the NLN technology. More than 9,000 business and consumers have licensed words so their customers can find them easier and faster. Companies such as Pizza Hut, MasterCard, Perrier and The Home Depot have already licensed words, and more words are being licensed daily.

How do I upgrade my browser?

Just visit www.getyourkeywords.com and click on the "Download NLN Now" icon in the upper-right corner. Once the upgrade is complete, close your browser and reopen it. You will have joined the other 6.8 million people who have downloaded the software and are searching the Internet with greater efficiency.

Visit www.getyourkeywords.com and get your words before they are gone! For more information, contact The Michaels/Wilder Group at 800.423.6468.

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