Thankful for the Ability to Help Others

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

November 25, 2009

3 Min Read
Thankful for the Ability to Help Others

This week thoughts of turkey and stuffing, fall vegetables and sweet-potato pie fill our heads. While summertime visions of mass rentals fade as quickly each day as the winter sun, there is still plenty for which to be thankful. Yes, this holiday season will be a bit more difficult for most of us, but there is a bright side.

The self-storage industry as a whole has jumped on board with philanthropy, and more and more facilities are giving back to their communities. There have always been a few, but the numbers are increasing exponentially. This trend seems to have more gathered steam over the past five years or so, and what a terrific thing that is to see.

As we each sit down to our holiday dinner and reflect on what we are thankful for, we need to think about what we can do―or maybe that little bit more we can do―for those who are downtrodden, be it on a personal or business level. Reflect on how fortunate you truly are, and determine how you can make life better for someone else in the coming weeks. Look for the opportunities to expand your horizon and help a fellow human being.

Be thankful you have hands to hold open a door for an elderly or heavily burdened shopper. Be grateful you have legs and feet to complain about after a day out shopping, or the ability to even be out shopping. Be appreciative that you are able to do simple things like pick up a loaf of bread or run out for a gallon of milk ... Many in this world don’t have these resources available to them, these simple everyday parts of life as we know it here in America.

Be happy that you have the freedom to celebrate Thanksgiving. Our forefathers bore many hardships that led to our current lifestyle. While you’re at it, say a prayer for the service members who continue to serve and protect our everyday way of life.
And please, as you venture out into the holiday madness, put a smile on your face, no matter how stressed you may be. The simple gesture of a genuine smile from one human being to another could make all of the difference in the world to one person it touches.

 If you have a roof over your head and food in the cupboard, you’re doing better than a lot of others, and maybe you can spare that dollar or three and skip the fancy coffee for one day. If you are so inclined, challenge yourself to do one good thing each week for a stranger, and then share your story. There's a Web portal at where folks share their stories about small acts of kindness. The site encourages people to do simple but nice things for others, encouraging them to do for someone else down the road. It's an inspiring read.

The “pay it forward” concept is a good one, and the self-storage industry is setting an example, as evidenced by all the recent press releases regarding charitable giving. Maybe we should all follow the giving concept, not just at the holidays, but during all 52 weeks of the year.

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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