Popular Genre Actor Michael Berryman Added to Cast of 'Self-Storage' Horror Film
Michael Berryman has been added to the cast of Self-Storage, a horror movie from Woodhaven Production Co. and Verdi Productions, set to begin filming in July in East Greenwich, R.I. Berryman is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Pluto in Wes Cravens 1977 horror flick The Hills Have Eyes. He also has had roles in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the Star Trek franchise, among many other film and television appearances.
June 8, 2012
Michael Berryman has been added to the cast of Self-Storage, a horror movie from Woodhaven Production Co. and Verdi Productions, set to begin filming in July in East Greenwich, R.I. Berryman is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Pluto in Wes Cravens 1977 horror flick The Hills Have Eyes. He also has had roles in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the Star Trek franchise, among many other film and television appearances.
The film stars Tom DeNucci as Jake, a night watchman at a highly secured self-storage facility. Jakes friends are home from college and looking to party, so he invites them to his work to indulge in a night of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. However, the characters find themselves trapped in an evening of pure terror. The working tagline is "Barbed-wire fences are meant to keep people OUT. But these fences keep people IN."
Jonathan Silverman (Weekend at Bernies, Inkubus) also has joined the cast. The films producers may also be on the verge of signing another name actor. "We are currently in the final stages of signing an Oscar-nominated actor to play opposite Berryman, said Producer Chad A. Verdi. In addition to his starring role, DeNucci has a producer credit and will serve as the films director.
"Self-Storage" is Woodhaven and Verdi's third endeavor. The film has a targeted release date of March 2013.
Dread Central: Michael Berryman Heads into Self Storage
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