Not With a Whisper ... but a BANG

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

January 10, 2007

3 Min Read
Not With a Whisper ... but a BANG

We kicked off the 2007 Legal Learning webinar series yesterday. I was foolishly concerned we would loose momentum in attendance because we had skipped an event in December, but this was not the case. On the contraryit was one of our most widely attended webinars to date! Props to our presenter, industry legal expert Jeffrey Greenberger, whose expertise and wit keep bringing participants back for more.

Of course, you all know you can attend these legal webinars for free, right? All you have to do is register via the ISS website. Look at the menu at top of this very web page ... You should see a link for "Industry Events," which includes "Webinars" in its drop-down menu. Once you get to the webinar page, you'll choose the "Upcoming" link at the top to view all our active event offerings. Registration is a snap and costs you nothing.

After you register for your webinar of choice, you'll receive a confirmation e-mail from the Microsoft Meetings system that includes a link, phone number and access code to participate. Then all you have to do is make sure you're in front of you computer at the designated day and time.

Apparently, this last bit is more difficult than it sounds ... After yesterday's session, I was contacted by at least 20 people who said they'd missed the webinar due to confusion about the time. Some has mis-penciled it on their calendars, but most were unclear about how to translate Eastern Time to their own zone. (We always post webinar times in ET for the sake of consistency, since we live in Arizona, the only state that DOESN'T use Daylight Savings Time).

So here's a quick summary: All ISS Legal Learning Webinars take place on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. ET and last one hour. If you live in the Pacific time zone, that's 8:30 a.m. for you. It's 9:30 a.m. Mountain time and 10:30 a.m. for Central. If you're not a U.S. resident, then I suppose you'll need to go online and look up a handy-dandy world time-zone map that shows the difference in hours to your particular location.

Legal Learning is catching on, and for good reason: For one hour out of your month, you get a bunch of highly valuable, free information on a legal topic of extreme relevance to your business. You simply cannot lose on that deal. So consider joining us for next month's session, "Limitation on Value Clauses for the Self-Storage Lease," on Feb. 13th.

Oh, did I mention we reserve at least 10 minutes at the end of each webinar for Q&A with Jeff, and everyone who attends can request a copy of his super-special handout? (For the record, no, we do NOT distribute copies of the actual presentation, so please make sure you're there to see it live if the topic interests you!)

About the Author

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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