Increasing Occupancy

With more people watching their budgets, self-storage owners across the country are struggling with the very real problem of declining occupancies. ISS has a number of avenues where self-storage owners and operators can get more knowledge including the upcoming Inside Self-Storage World Expo in Washington, D. C., Oct. 5-8.

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

September 10, 2009

2 Min Read
Increasing Occupancy

With more people watching their budgets, self-storage owners across the country are struggling with the very real problem of declining occupancies. Referral programs or incentives such as discounting the first month's rent or offering a free lock with every rental work for some facilities, but for those in highly competitive areas it may not be enough. Often, these facilities lower rental rates just to keep up with the competitor down the street, regardless of facility amenities and services.

Recently, a Self-Storage Talk forum member asked how do owners and operators entice new customers without “giving away the farm?” There are number of ways to ensure you’re the best on the block, including having a solid marketing plan, excellent customer service and, most important, fabulous curb appeal. To be successful today, you really need the whole package.

And while it may seem daunting, we’re here to help. The ISS archives are packed with informative articles on all of these topics, including the ones I’ve added  hotlinks to above.

I also encourage you to visit the Self-Storage Talk forum. Many of the members are the managers in the trenches every day. These guys and gals ask each other for advice, swap ideas, share marketing and sales strategies, and even commiserate with one another.

Lastly, if you’re attending the Inside Self-Storage World Expo in Washington, D.C., Oct. 5-8, take advantage of the add-on intensive workshops, particularly the Marketing and Sales Boot Camp with Tom Litton, and the Management Workshop with Joe Niemczyk. Having attended seminars by both of these speakers, I can promise these sessions will be information-packed and entertaining. I hope to see you there!

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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