How Do You Deal With Anger?How Do You Deal With Anger?

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

September 2, 2008

3 Min Read
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I began this blog with a little research. I had an idea and was looking for backup articles and resources, like I do most of the time for this weekly writing assignment. The only thing is my Internet is so slow this morning that it has turned a seemingly quick (and usually enjoyable) job into a hair-pulling, red-faced all-out fiasco.

I'm sure you can relate: I finally find just the right article in my Google search, then beg for 50 seconds for it to load onto my screen, at which point I click "print" and, and, and ... my computer freezes! Of course, this happens from time to time, but after about 11 times I'm nearly bald from frustration. I have other things to do. This computer has waged war ... and I'm angry!

No, I'm not ready to do a nicey-nice blog anymore. I feel more like swearing here then anything else. But in the name of professionalism, I think I'll try something else. I reboot, redirect and here's what you get:

"How to Calm Crazy Customers"

Since I don't have enough time to rant and rave with a job to do, I needed to turn my attention back to blogging. How can I make my morning relate to self-storage?

I began to wonder about situations when tempers flair in front of a manger's desk. Maybe someone's unhappy about late fees being applied to a bill, or a lock was cut on a unit accidentally, or gate-access was denied because a renter forgot the passcode. No matter who's at fault, the first step to achieving peace is to seek the CALM approach, employed by The Meditation Center in Asheville, N.C.

"C" is for calming yourself down. Don't act defensively and assume a relaxed posture. Your goal: to calm the other person's anger so that a settlement can be reached. If the person's voice begins to rise, "turn down the volume," which is the advice provided in a recent BusinessWeek article, "Three Steps to Calming Angry Customers."

"A" requires you to acknowledge the other person's annoyance by looking directly at them and asking them for full information. While the person vents, actively engage in listening (the "L" word) and do not, I repeat, do not interrupt.

Finally comes "M" and the time to make sure you understand by summarizing the tenant's feelings. Ask him if you have correctly identified the problem. From there, perhaps you can brainstorm a solution.

If the problem was your fault, admit it and offer retribution. If the tenant is at fault, perhaps you can compromise. The only way to do this, though, is once everyone is calm enough to speak below a roar.

I hope this helps you in your next self-storage enounter with anger. For me, just the act of writing has calmed me down. That and the fact that I am done once again with my weekly blog. God bless!

About the Author

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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