Chandler, Ariz., Gets Super-Modern Self-StorageChandler, Ariz., Gets Super-Modern Self-Storage

A new high-tech self-storage facility recently opened in the Chandler, Ariz., Airpark.

August 14, 2009

1 Min Read
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A new high-tech self-storage facility recently opened in the Chandler, Ariz., Airpark. C3 Modern Storage―the Cs stand for “clean, cool and convenient”―offers upscale architecture, a wine vault secured by a retinal scanner, gun-storage lockers, safety-deposit boxes, individual unit alarms, a conference center, a copier, Internet access, and an entertainment center complete with a flat-screen TV and videogame console. The facility is managed by Judy and Greg Verkuilen.
The four-level, 114,000-square-foot facility is the brainchild of Phoenix-based Vivo Development Partners. It is part of the company’s planned 40-acre Watermark development, which currently houses an office building and will be expanded to include more offices, retail and restaurants. The firm chose Chandler for the city's high per-capita income, said Devan Wastchak, Vivo managing partner and a Chandler resident.
Source: East Valley Tribune, C3 brings new self-storage idea to Chandler

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