'Twas the Night Before New Year'Twas the Night Before New Year

Winding down another year inspired this poem by blogger Gina Six Kudo in which she counts her blessings, including being a part of the self-storage industry and Self-Storage Talk.

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

December 31, 2009

2 Min Read
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As we wind down yet another year
while the blustery winds blow past our ear
It seems to have flown by so quickly
As trees bend in the wind quite starkly
We hadn’t a clue, if money was true
and if our savings would fail to accrue
Construction starts did falter;
loans were the Rock of Gibraltar

Rentals they were slow
Jobs were sure to go
Management struggled
The numbers they juggled

No matter the strife the downturn took life
Across the board the occupancy dropped
It could have been Santa down the chimney kerplop!
Luring new customers with all of our might
Hoping in the end we’d see the bright light
Across the nation we huddled
Perplexed and befuddled
The numbers were grave
The year we must save
To save our dear sites
We’d aim for new heights
As the year goes away
And customers do stay
It’s time to reflect on all that is good
There’s friendship and food
We can gorge till we bloat
As SST keeps our spirits afloat!

It’s friendship, love and kindness
Not stress and acrimoniousness
That brings us here
To welcome the New Year
As day fades to night
Under twinkling starlight
The days ahead are full of hope
Knowing that together we can all cope

As you snuggle and cuddle
to warm you may huddle
Remember to be grateful
for all that is fruitful

There are things that are fleeting
Those not even worth keeping
'Tis the friendships we share
That can sometimes be rare
Friendship and love
We should cherish above
All that is material
Doesn’t equal ethereal

This lame excuse for profoundness of verse
Is my attempt to say for you I would traverse
The highest of mountains and the lowest of valleys
To be of your acquaintance is truly my pleasure
Now I’m off to dream of futures we’ll treasure.

Happy New Year to all, and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your storage world.   

About the Author

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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