County Planners Call Self-Storage Development Out of Scale With San Simeon, CA, CommunityCounty Planners Call Self-Storage Development Out of Scale With San Simeon, CA, Community

A proposed self-storage development in San Simeon, Calif., is being called out of scale with the communitys land-use mandate, which may force the developer to reduce the scope of the project. San Luis Obispo County planners said in a Nov. 4 report to the North Coast Advisory Councils Land Use Committee that the original project design from developer David Sansone was too large. The council will discuss the proposal further today at a 6:30 p.m. meeting at Rabobank in Cambria.

November 20, 2013

2 Min Read
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A proposed self-storage development in San Simeon, Calif., is being called out of scale with the communitys land-use mandate, which may force the developer to reduce the scope of the project. San Luis Obispo County planners said in a Nov. 4 report to the North Coast Advisory Councils Land Use Committee that the original project design from developer David Sansone was too large. The council will discuss the proposal further today at a 6:30 p.m. meeting at Rabobank in Cambria.

The original proposal for the self-storage development at 927 Avonne Ave. called for the facility to be built in three phases and total 52,819 square feet and 214 units. County planners will propose scaling the project to just the first phase, according to Laurel Stewart , the advisory councils committee chairwoman . It would include 8,295 square feet and 53 storage units, RV and boat storage, and a 1,181-square-foot building for the resident manager . County officials would also like to see the development moved to the back of the property so the front would be available for future residential, multi-family development.

Phase two of the original project design would convert a portion of the boat/RV parking to an additional 15,256 square feet and 58 storage units. Phase three would convert the rest, adding another 29,268 square feet and 103 units.

The countys mandate states facilities should be designed primarily to serve the needs of apartment residents in the same land-use category, given the number of dwelling units and population in the community, according to the source.

The large scale of the self-storage development didnt fit with the stated goals for San Simeon as a special community in the North Coast Area Plan, Stewart told the source.


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