Sounds of Storage Podcast: David Wolf Offers Insight to Changes in Google AnalyticsSounds of Storage Podcast: David Wolf Offers Insight to Changes in Google Analytics
During this enlightening podcast, Inside Self-Storage Editor Amy Campbell speaks with David Wolf, managing partner of online marketing firm Linkmedia 360, about Googles latest changes. Wolf explains why Google is no longer providing keyword data on searches through Google Analytics.
December 17, 2013
Search-engine giant Google is constantly tweaking its metrics, making it difficult for self-storage operators to create spot-on online marketing that will keep their page views up. During this enlightening podcast, Inside Self-Storage Editor Amy Campbell speaks with David Wolf, managing partner of online marketing firm Linkmedia 360, about Googles latest changes. Wolf explains why Google is no longer providing keyword data on searches through Google Analytics. He also offers insight into how the change could impact self-storage operators online analytics and whether they should alter their online-marketing programs to gauge search-engine page ranks.
Duration: 7 minutes, 6 seconds
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