Lookin' for laws in all the wrong places ....

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

August 4, 2006

2 Min Read
Lookin' for laws in all the wrong places ....

... But not for much longer! Need information on your state's lien law? Ron VanVarden has just done you all a nifty favor and compiled all the state statutes in one place. The new Storagelaws Network at www.storagelaws.net is a free resource, so take advantage. That's not to say you shouldn't consult your legal counsel, particularly if you're drafting or modifying your facility's rental agreement--this you should always do. But if you just want to peruse your local guidelines, this is a good place to start.

Speaking of rental agreements, it's not too late to register for Tuesday's Legal Learning webinar, which focuses on how to go about making minor and major changes to your lease. It also will address clever ways to get tenants to cooperate with the transition process. This is essential, as some changes will require customers to come into the office and sign a new contract. This free online event takes place on August 8, 11:30 a.m. ET. All you need to participate is a phone and a computer, so join us. You'll find registration information at www.insideselfstorage.com/webinars.

To those of you who have asked: Yes, I did survive last weekend's trip to San Diego with the in-laws. I got to spend a whole 20 minutes on the beach, which was a disappointment; but we did manage to take a lovely gondola ride through the Coronado Cays (the sunset was stunning). LegoLand, as predicted, was tedious and horrifying; but there were a few cool sights:

Pirates are always a good thing ... These guys are part of the new "Splash Battle," which looked really exciting in the brochures but, in reality, was totally lame. (The sign was sweet though! Arrrrrgggh!)


There were also some amazing Lego creatures in the "Enchanted Forest." Theses were a few of my favs:

Finally, I was groovin' on some of the fantasy pieces, like the ever-popular Harry Potter and Witch's Brew!

This weekend, I'm looking forward to something resembling rest and relaxation. But I'm sure I'll spend many hours reading through self-storage lien laws. Won't you?

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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