Looking for Self-Storage Rays of Light to Brighten a Dark WorldLooking for Self-Storage Rays of Light to Brighten a Dark World
When crisis is afoot, whether personal or external, it can be helpful to find solace in little things that bring a bit of joy. With major international conflicts and inhuman acts dominating headlines this week, we’re on the hunt for rays of light, including those that are self-storage related.
Whenever the world feels upside down or like it’s hurtling toward the edge of a precipice, it can be difficult to find reasons to smile. With major international conflicts and inhuman acts dominating headlines, it can be a challenge to find glimmers of hope for a brighter tomorrow. This week has been a challenge on many fronts, so I’m on the hunt for rays of light.
Loved Ones
The best place to look for happy distraction is often family or friends. When crisis reigns, whether it’s personal or global, finding joy in those around you or near to your heart can soothe the soul. Whether it’s happy memories, fun outings or celebratory gatherings, friends and family can uplift in the worst of times. A warm, knowing smile and heartfelt hug can do wonders.
Pleasurable Things
Another mood enhancer can be found in doing simple pleasurable things that lift your spirits. For me, that’s often listening to or losing myself in music. Finding something that can transport your mind, body or spirit can offer a welcome, temporary respite from that which is troublesome.
I saw a social media post the other day that talked about looking for little glimmers of joy—small moments, gestures or anything that makes you smile or feel good. The idea is if you actively look for and appreciate the little niceties, the more often you’ll find them. Once you’re in the habit, you’ll find them in abundance and draw glee with regularity.
These rays of light also exist within the self-storage industry. They can range from the impactful to the fanciful.
Disaster Relief
One impactful example is the way storage operators spring into action in times of tragedy. This has certainly been true in the wake of the devastating fires that ravaged West Maui and the town of Lahaina in August. Operators, including Hawai’i Self Storage, Ohana Self Storage, Paradise Self Storage, Storage Solution LLC, U-Haul and others stepped forward to help the community, tenants and fellow businesses.
The situation on the island is ongoing and restoration will be a long road. As stories exit the news cycle, they can fall off the radar among us who don’t live near the devastation or don’t have loved ones directly impacted. Help is still required. If you’re compelled, The Hawaii Food Bank, Red Cross Hawaii, Salvation Army of Hawaii, Aloha United Way and Kako’o Maui are all still accepting relief donations.
Industry Amusement
A fanciful example can be found in the creativity displayed by Garden of the Gods Self Storage in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Last month, the operator laid claim to offering the “World’s Smallest Self Storage Unit” for rent. The unit, which measures 3.5 inches by 3.5 inches and sits on the office counter, is available for $5 per month.
This is an outside-the-box item that amused me when we covered it, and it’s continued to make me smile this week. The inconsequential and quirky can often uplift my spirits, and this is a great industry example.
If you have a similarly offbeat example that’s self-storage related, I’d love to hear about it. It could be signage, a facility event or anything industry-related that’s likely to bring colleagues and fellow professionals a little joy.
None of these things will cure the world’s ills, but finding and appreciating rays of light can help maintain sanity, keep you centered and harness hope.
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