ISS Store Featured Product: ‘What’s It Worth?’ Book on Self-Storage Facility Valuation
December 1, 2020
You might think the value of your self-storage asset is in flux thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, a sluggish economy and other evolving factors, but the fact is there are many property fundamentals that hold true in any business landscape. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, expand or renovate a storage site, “What's It Worth? Making, Managing, and Measuring Value” will increase your understanding of real estate by applying theory to how value is made, managed and measured within the self-storage sector.
Authors Michelle Gigowski and Timothy Moffit have experience as educators, analysts, appraisers and turnaround consultants, which enables them to help readers connect the dots between valuation theory and practice. In their writing, they address financial statements, value drivers and destroyers, valuation creation, and facility-turnaround tips. They also provide 10 reasons to buy self-storage, an overview of valuation approaches and models, and more.
Visit the ISS Store for full product details. Learn how to maximize the value and return of your self-storage investment today!
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