Self-Storage Design Study: Inventive Use of Space, by Janus InternationalSelf-Storage Design Study: Inventive Use of Space, by Janus International

When Christopher Zupsic of Portland-Pacific LCC, a private real estate investment firm, decided to turn an empty building in downtown San Francisco into a self-storage facility, he turned to Janus International for help in designing some very creative spaces. StoragePro of Brannon Street features a variety of unit sizes in some non-traditional ways.

May 18, 2013

2 Min Read
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When Christopher Zupsic of Portland-Pacific LCC, a private real estate investment firm, decided to turn an empty building in downtown San Francisco into a self-storage facility, he turned to Janus International for help in designing some very creative spaces. StoragePro of Brannon Street features a variety of unit sizes in some non-traditional ways. The facility has units as small as 3 by 3 feet and as large as 18 by 25 feet, all secured with roll-up doors.

Janus unit office***
A basic storage space was used to create an inviting office location. What a great way to show a unit in action!

Janus under stairs***  Janus from under stairs***
Space was used even under the staircase. The back of the stairs was concealed, which adds more privacy to the under-stairs units. Wire mesh above the units offers security, light and airflow.

Janus coffee area***
Galvalume offers an effective boundary for a kitchen area, with a swing door as its opening.

Janus cut off***

These units actually have a step-down access, a unique way to use space.

Janus storage locker***  Janus large unit***
Lockers were installed at the end of an aisle to maximize space where a unit would not work. A large storage unit was placed near the facility entrance to attract greater attention and provide easy access.

Janus skinny unit***
The facility employs every square inch possible, including vertical space. Here's a closet-size unit with a door that's 1 foot, 9 inches wide by 7 feet, 3 inches high.

Janus bathroom***
It's unorthodox perhaps, but even a restroom can be encased in steel door partition, saving costly construction costs. Dont forget to add a door ... that locks!

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