Ohio Self-Storage Owner Launches Summer Donation DriveOhio Self-Storage Owner Launches Summer Donation Drive

A self-storage facility in Hamilton, Ohio, has dedicated a 15-by-15 unit to collecting nonperishable food items, clothing and other donations for the needy.

June 25, 2010

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A self-storage facility in Hamilton, Ohio, has dedicated a 15-by-15 unit to collecting nonperishable food items, clothing and other donations for the needy.

Stor-All Pisgah, located near U.S. route 42 in the northern part of the Cincinnati metro area, and its manager, Paul Borgarding, have begun the effort to combat the trend of dwindling charitable donations in the summer. Demand for food donations typically rise in the summer, as school students from low-income families are not able to receive school lunches because class is not in session. But food and clothing donations tend to drop during the warmer months. 

Borgarding attends a local United Methodist Church and was inspired by the church's pantry. He thinks that by organizing a pantry at his facility he can encourage donations from people who may not be aware of the pantries at houses of worship.

Donations are accepted during normal facility hours Monday through Saturday and for four hours on Sundays. Food items accepted include canned items, especially meat like tuna or fish;  box foods such as scallop potatoes, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes; rice; sugar; flour; cooking oil; ramen noodles; spaghetti sauce and other sauces; canned juices; baby formula and diapers; and hygiene products like toilet paper, shampoo, deodorant and soap.

Source: Journal-News.com, Storage Unit Turned Into Food Pantry for Summer

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