The Month of Standing Still

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

December 8, 2006

2 Min Read
The Month of Standing Still

Ever notice how nearly impossible it is to get things accomplished during the month of December? A few religious holidays, and suddenly the entire country is paralyzed with some torporic fever. Need to get something fixed? Forget it. Trying to mobilize a project? Don't bother. Need to get somewhere, buy something, find something, talk to someone? No, no, no and NO.

If you're a go-getter, the predicament can instigate unreserved frustration. Even if you're only a semi-motivated kind of person, you'll be driven to at least one utterance of profanity.

So I had to laugh today while reading the latest news on a facility I'd heard about through the grapevine: Eucalyptus at Beaumont, a "private storage community" specializing in the sale of boat, RV and vehicle condos. The site's owners keep a running progress report on their website. The page is humorously titled "Progress or lack thereof Report." I know they're not referring specifically to the time of year, but the headline so jives with my experiences this week that I had to give it a second look.

By the way, this is a fantastic read if you're new to the storage businessan honest glimpse of the development process. If you think you know what you're getting into, you might want to spend some time perusing the posts, which date back almost a year.

One last thing before I sign off: the site's most recent update refers to an article written about the facility by one of our competitors, the Mini-Storage Messenger. The facility owner writes, "See if you can pick out the tone that the self storage industry (your soon to be past landlords) are getting a bit nervous or anxious." He's referring to this idea that storage facilities whose business is based on unit rentals should somehow feel threatened by the burgeoning storage-condo market.

What do you thinkshould we worry?

About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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