Ode to Prerogative

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

February 17, 2006

2 Min Read
Ode to Prerogative

OK, OK. I know I said I was going to further my commentary on this affiliation business and Tron's blog, etc. But it's Friday, for crying out loud, and I just don't feel like being cantankerous today. (Isnt' that a great word?)


The weather is gorgeous in Arizona right now, and all I really want to think about is hopping on the V-Star with my brand-new bat-wing backpack (received as a gift for Valentine's Day), and laughing to myself as the squares oggle. "Is that a chick on a motorcycle? With PVC bat wings? And pigtales? And OMG ... what's that on her arm?! Kids, close your eyes!"


Batwing Backpack

Isn't it darling?


Heh, heh. There's really nothing sweeter than watching an overprotective mother shooing her child out of your path in the grocery store because she's afraid your blatantly nonconformist attitude might be contagious.


OK, I know I said I wasn't going to say anything, but just one thing: Was I complaining? Really? I was complaining? I simply mentioned that the seemingly flawless affiliation agreement contained what I considered to be a potential drawback for associations and gave an example from my personal experience. That's all. I don't believe I was wielding a "negative brush" or attempting to generate downbeat coverage for the sake of attention. Heck, who needs bad press to get attention? Just ask the wrong questions! (Or would those be the right questions?)


Anyway, we did our second webinar today, and it was just fantabulous. Thanks to Randy Tipton and Jeff Greenberger for being their usual thoughtful, informative and entertaining selves. I can't wait to see what they come up with at their full-length session on March 3rd.


The Vegas show is just around the corner, and excitement is building. Looks like people are getting ready to make some pretty big announcements and unveil a few unique offerings. I'm sitting on two press releases right now that I've been warned not to share until after the event. I just love being in on a good secret!


About the Author(s)

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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