Self-Storage Security for the Next Century
June 1, 1998
Self-Storage Security for the Next Century
By David Reddick
Planning thesecurity system for your self-storage facility has become a rather complex task. The longand short of it is that there are a lot of choices, and you, as an owner, operator ormanager, will have unique wants and needs depending upon your market area and how you wantto operate your business.
Let's begin by defining the environment...
There are a number of vendors who provide security systems specifically for this market. Self-storage is a unique business, and vendors who specialize in this market provide features that you need and that are useful in operating your business.
Many different systems are available, such as access control (keypads or card readers), individual door alarms (hardwired and wireless), CCTV, perimeter beams, graphic displays, etc.
Systems/vendors offer unique features. Everyone tries to differentiate themselves from their competition. Providing a capability that no one else offers is one way to say, "My system is better."
The physical layout/structure of your site will impact your security decision. Single story, multistory, inside units, outside units, etc., will impact your specific security-system configuration.
What your competition has to offer can make a difference. Do they have an automatic gate? Do they offer 24-hour access? Do they have and market a door-alarm system? And so on.
Your marketing plan needs to relate to your security system. Security systems can be very effective marketing tools that can increase rates and occupancy.
The self-storage software program you use directly impacts your security system. It makes little sense to operate two separate systems if they can be interfaced or integrated to accomplish operations automatically.
Everything has a cost. Your budget will ultimately dictate what you do. Leaving your security decision until "late in the game" often limits your ability to purchase the security system that will best meet your needs.
Understanding what is available will take the most time, but it is also the most important task you will undertake. You need to be an informed buyer, and that mandates that you do your own research and make your own comparisons.
An overview of self-storage security systems will help you focus as you prepare to do your "homework." It is most easily understood by separating these systems into three categories:
Access Control
Individual Door Alarms
Ancillary Systems and Devices.
Access-Control Systems
Access-control systems provide a means of selectively allowing tenants to enter yourfacility. The most common method uses an entry and exit keypad in conjunction with amotorized gate. Your customer keys in his unique pass code at the entry keypad and, ifcertain conditions are met, the system will signal the gate to open and record the dateand time this tenant has entered the site. Egress from the site is handled in the samemanner at the exit keypad, and the system records the date and time this customer has leftyour facility.
Access-control systems can also be used to control entry via a door with an electriclock, e.g., to an interior corridor where inside units are located. The more sophisticatedsystems will support both gates and doors and selectively permit access only to thosetenants having units in that particular inside corridor.
Card readers are also available with many access-control systems. Some use proprietarycards (which must be obtained from the supplier) and others use the customer'sdebit/credit card. The vast majority (99 percent) of self-storage facilities use keypads.
It is important to note that access-control systems only signal the gate to open, i.e.,they provide a momentary closure (one to two seconds) of the circuit connected to the two"normally open" contacts at the gate motor. The gate motor (often referred to asthe "gate operator") controls how long the gate remains open and when it closes.Holding the gate open is most often accomplished with the use of safety loops, which areconnected to a loop detector inside the gate operator. Loops are wires embedded in theground in front of and behind the gate. The loops and detector can sense a vehicle that isin the way of the gate and "hold the gate open" until the vehicle has cleared.They act both as a "safety" and a signal to close the gate.
Beams are sometimes used in place of loops. They are not as reliable and generallyrequire more maintenance. We are beginning to see an occasional case where local codesrequire both beams and loops. In my opinion, the use of beams should be a secondary andnot a primary safety device.
Your gate operator should always include a "timer to close." These timers arevariable--you can adjust the amount of time before the timer to close signals the gate(e.g., 15 seconds) to close. This is a fail-safe device that will help assure the gatewill close if some one keys in at the entry keypad (or card reader) then changes theirmind, backing up and never crossing the loops.
The operation of an electric door strike is somewhat different in that it is alwayslocked unless the circuit is closed. This means that the device (keypad) connected to thedoor strike must have the capability of holding the circuit closed for some period of time(e.g., five to eight seconds) to allow the customer to physically open the door. Rememberthat exit must always be allowed without restriction.
Gates are available in an infinite variety. Sliding gates and vertical pivot gates arethe most common in the self-storage business. Swing gates are almost never used. Slidinggates are either equipped with rollers that follow a track on the ground to keep the gateon course, or are a cantilever style. Cantilever gates are built to supportthemselves--they have rails and rollers that support the gate, allowing it to open andclose without touching the ground. Vertical pivot gates (somewhat new to the industry butcatching on) also support themselves. The gate and operator are purchased as a package.The gate opens by pivoting 90 degrees and is counter balanced so it can be easily raisedmanually, if required.
The optimum size for a gate in our business is 16 feet wide by 6 feet high. This willallow any vehicle that can legally travel our roads easy access (room to spare) to yourfacility. The reality is that your local fire department is probably going to dictate thewidth of the opening. Don't give up the fight too easily as very large gates and openingscan complicate your operation and add unneeded cost to your project.
Designing yourentry/exit is something that should be done early in your project. Too often we see plansreflecting gates that don't fit, no provision for keypads or card readers, no conduitspecified and little consideration to the flow of traffic. As an industry, we seem sopreoccupied with coverage and unit mix that we don't consider how our customers are goingto get in and out.
A normal situation would specify a 16-foot opening that would be a shared entry/exit.The traffic flow would be reversed so the customer ingresses and egresses on the left sideof the driveway. Keypads (or card readers) would be placed on the left side at a point 12feet away from the gate, one for entry on the outside of the property and one for exit onthe inside. Remember, for security purposes, it is as important to know when a customerleaves as it is to know when they arrive.
Access to either keypad would be done from the window of the customer's vehicle. Amplespace would be provided so the customer could easily straighten the path of their vehicleto line up with the keypad and proceed through the gate once it opened. The gate would beback from the main thoroughfare to allow room for three or four vehicles, and would beeasily viewed from the office. Sufficient parking would be available outside the gate forprospective tenants, delivery vehicles, etc.
There are, of course, many acceptable variations. Your access-control-system vendorshould be able to provide you with scaled drawings to assist you in designing yourentry/exit, placement of keypads/card readers, size and placement of required concretepads and placement of conduit.
Today's access-control systems are rich with features tailored to meet the uniquerequirements of self-storage. Individual pass codes, multiple time zones, holidayprogramming, discrete access levels and make late/pay up are just a few standardcapabilities you will need to operate your facility. Evaluating the practical use offeatures available as they apply to how you want to run your business will help you inyour decision-making process.
Individual Door-Alarm Systems
Door-alarm systems, by design, have inherent access-control capability. The most commonconfigurations utilize the entry function, not only to open the gate, but also to disablethe alarm on that tenant's unit door. An entry message is recorded as well as the date andtime the unit door is opened (for example, "OPEN 1124 9:37 4-26-97"). Thus, younot only have a record of when the tenant entered the site, you also have a record of whenthey entered their unit. When the unit door is closed, the system will record a closemessage (CLOSE 1124 10:14 4-26-97) for the unit, also including the date and time. Uponkeying out at the exit keypad, the system will open the gate and record an exit message(EXIT 1124 10:17 4-26-97) and re-enable the unit door alarm.
At this point, you will have a permanent record of the tenant's entry, open door, closedoor and exit from the facility, a much more complete record of the tenant's on-siteactivity than simply an enter and exit message provided by an access-control system. It'scertainly a more complete record than just an enter message captured by an access-controlsystem using only an enter keypad and providing a free exit.
Individual door-alarm systems are still the best way to secure a self-storage facility.Considering that most break-ins (60 percent or more) are accomplished by tenants,electronic monitoring of unit doors makes a lot of sense. The classic break-in scenariogoes like this:
An individual rents a unit, probably paying in cash.
He spends a fair amount of time on-site observing move-ins and other activity where unit doors are open (he can see what's inside).
As each "good" tenant leaves and the opportunity presents itself, the individual cuts the lock and sorts through the unit contents, placing the valuable items at the front of the unit. They close the door and secure it with their own lock.
When they have eight or 10 units secured, in comes the truck and out goes someone else's goods.
The unit doors are left locked and no one is the wiser, until the real tenant returns and their key doesn't fit.
I will occasionally hear opinions that since it is the door that is alarmed, burglarswill cut through unit walls and obtain goods in that manner. The reality is that whilethis may occasionally happen, the vast majority are accomplished as described above. It'sa whole lot easier.
The other reality is that facilities that post appropriate signage (e.g., "everyunit alarmed") market this capability by describing and demonstrating it to everyprospective tenant and include it as part of their advertising, probably sending problemtenants down the street. After all, why would a burglar select a target with an individualdoor-alarm system in place when they could go down the street to a facility that doesn'thave one?
The marketing capability of an individual door-alarm system is enormous. Properly andconsistently done, the sales pitch can easily increase revenues $2 to $5 per unit permonth and increase occupancy between 5 percent and 10 percent. For example: Take afacility with 50,000 rentable square feet and convert it to 500 equivalent 10-by-10s. Inthis market, a 10-by-10 rents for $50 per month. Add $3 per unit per month (on the low endof the scale) and increase occupancy by 6 percent (also on the low end of the scale). Theresult? An increase in revenue of approximately $32,000 a year. Further, at the time ofsale, the value of the facility would increase about $280,000 using a 10.5 CAP.
How do you sell door-alarm capability? Simple. You have your manager demonstrate thecapability every time he shows a prospective tenant a unit. On the way to the unit, themanager explains that the security system provides a secret and unique pass code to eachcustomer. Entering their pass code at the gate not only lets them into the facility, italso disables the alarm on their unit door.
When they arrive at the unit, the manager says, "We obviously haven't entered apass code--let me show you what happens when the door opens." The manager opens theunit door and the system sirens sound, clearly audible throughout the site. The systemwill automatically time-out the siren after whatever period of time you desire, such as 25or 30 seconds. This demonstration provides a graphic example to the prospect of thedoor-alarm capability. The manager should also provide other descriptive information suchas the system's records of entries, opening of doors, etc., and that the door alarm isre-enabled when the tenant exits the facility.
Getting Wired. Most door-alarm systems are hardwired--that is, each unit isphysically connected to the control system in the rental office. This connection is sharedin some fashion to avoid the need of physically running wires from each unit back to theoffice.
There are several wiring schemes currently in use, with the most prominent being"multiplexed." One or more multiplexers are placed on each building and are usedas a central point to connect the wiring from each unit. Multiplexers are connectedtogether using communications cable. This cable can be routed in a variety of ways and isusually placed to minimize wire lengths and conduit requirements. A reed switch is placedinside the unit, and its associated magnet is placed on the unit door. They are positionedso that when the door is closed, the magnet and switch are aligned and within theoperating gap of the switch, normally 2 to 3 inches.
Switches. Several different types of reed switches are used. A floor-mountedswitch is ideal for roll-up doors. This device is anchored to the floor of the unit,inside the door and on the same side as the door latch. The magnet associated with theswitch is mounted on a bracket, with the bracket being mounted on the inside of the door.The bracket provides an easy way to align the magnet to the switch and position it withinthe operating gap.
The other type of switch is normally used with swing doors. The switch is mounted tothe door header and the magnet is mounted on the door. A bracket is not usually providedunless the particular swing door has no header for mounting the switch. Many facilitieswill use the swing-door switch with roll-up doors. The magnet is mounted on the upper partof the door (inside) and to the side. The switch is positioned by using a bracket, whichis mounted to the unit wall. The use of swing-door switches on roll-up doors is donebecause of cost. They are generally $5 or $6 less than floor-mounted switches (thefloor-mounted switch is more expensive and requires some additional wire and connectors toinstall).
There are two arguments for using floor-mounted switches with roll-up doors: 1) thepoint at which these switches and magnets are mounted is the most stable position of thedoor, and more likely assures that the alignment and operating gap are maintained for anextended period of time; and 2) the magnet never gets "rolled up" inside thedoor when the door is opened, thereby avoiding the wear and tear that causes magnets tofall off over time.
Hardwired Systems. Door-alarm systems that are hardwired operate in a normallyclosed condition. This means that each circuit has continuity when the unit door isclosed, and the magnet and switch are aligned and within the operating gap. An easy way tovisualize this state is to make a comparison to a light and light switch. When the lightswitch is turned on, the circuit is complete and closed. When the switch is turned off,the circuit is broken or open. Normally, closed systems also protect against wires beingcut or components being disconnected, since either will create an open condition andtherefore generate an alarm.
Hardwired door-alarm systems are normally installed during construction since all thewiring, switches, etc., can be placed inside. They can, however, be installed on theoutside of the buildings after the facility is leased up. Installing a door-alarm systemon the outside (commonly referred to as a "retrofit") is being done withincreasing frequency in our industry. There is no disadvantage to an outside installation,but there are two considerations that impact cost:
Reed switches used with an interior installation cannot be used for an outsideinstallation, since they can be easily defeated. These switches are appropriate for aninside application because they are located on the back side of the unit door and are notaccessible from outside the unit. Switches that are accessible from the outside must behigh-security or anti-defeat devices, and they are simply more expensive ($10 to $12 more)than standard reed switches.
In addition, since wire for the units is run along the outside of each building, itshould be concealed for aesthetic reasons as well as to protect the wire. It is importantto note that protecting the wire from the sun is every bit as important as protecting itfrom moisture. Protecting and concealing wire can be accomplished by using conduit orsteel molding. Conduit is not very attractive, and wire placed in conduit is sometimesdifficult to service. Molding, on the other hand, is attractive (many colors areavailable) and servicing wire is much easier than with conduit.
Molding manufacturers have costs for each piece and part used--straight runs, 90s,couplings, etc. As a general rule of thumb, you can figure 85 cents to 90 cents per linearfoot for molding. Assuming that your average unit is 10 feet across, you can estimatemolding to cost about $9 per unit. Adding $12 per unit for anti-defeat switches will bringyour incremental costs for a retrofit door-alarm system to $21 per door/unit.
Wireless Systems. Wireless door-alarm systems have begun to make an appearancein the self-storage industry. Their primary appeal is the avoidance of having todiscretely wire each unit. The perception is that material and installation costs are lessthan those of hardwired systems. The only way for you to determine which method is lessexpensive is to request proposals from hardwired and wireless vendors.
The other claim of wireless-system vendors is that you can market unit-alarm securityon a customer-by-customer or unit-by-unit basis. In other words, the customer can rentalarm security for their unit(s) for a fixed amount each month in addition to their rent,if they choose to do so. There is a real question in my mind as to whether or not thiskind of marketing is effective. We most certainly know that facilities that havedoor-alarm systems can use the alarms as a marketing tool. You will have to decide if aunit-by-unit option is viable for your market. I suggest you discuss the merits withowners who use wireless systems and make your own judgement.
Door-Alarm Features. Individual door-alarm systems have many variations andfeatures that can be tailored to suit your needs. For example, door-alarm systems are usedat facilities without gates. The customer is still required to key in, which disablestheir unit alarm, but without an exit keypad to re-enable the unit alarm, the system isprogrammed to "re-arm at close." This means that when they close their unitdoor, the system automatically resets their alarm. This is not an operational problem, itsimply means that instructions regarding the system must be slightly changed for thetenants. They need to understand that they must key in each time they open their unitdoor. This feature is used at many facilities without difficulty.
One feature that I consider imperative as well as being very useful is multiple units.The system must have the capability of linking all units rented by the same customer. Thisallows the customer to use only one code for entry and exit, regardless of how many unitsthey rent from you. Customers with multiple units have a habit of only entering the codesfor the units they believe they will need to access to. Invariably, once on site, theydetermine that the things they need are in a unit for which they have not entered a code.They open the door and the alarm sounds. The multiple-unit feature eliminates thisproblem.
The multiple-unit feature has another advantage, since many changes can be accomplishedthrough programming in place of making physical wiring changes to the door-alarm system.For example, if you take two 5-by-10 units and combine them to make a 10-by-10, you willhave two doors on the 10-by-10 unit. Without the multiple-unit feature, you would eitherhave to wire both doors together (in series), or put your lock on the second door so thecustomer could not use both doors. With the multiple-unit feature, it is a simpleprogramming change to designate the second door as a secondary unit (this is whatadditional units are called with the multiple-unit feature) and give the customer full useof the unit.
Individual door-alarm systems are reliable and can be a productive security andmarketing tool for an extended period of time. They are, however, dependent on the qualityof the material used and require that they be properly installed. And as with any system,some preventative maintenance will assure proper operation.
Your individual door-alarm system vendor should provide you with a specificinstallation overlay on your site plan/unit mix indicating conduit requirements,multiplexer locations and how each door switch is to be wired. Since these systems arelow-voltage DC, care should be taken to provide separation (8-inch minimum) betweenconduit for the door-alarm system and conduit for AC power.
Ancillary Systems and Devices
There are an infinite number of security devices and systems available for use today.The most common ones used in our industry are perimeter beams, intercoms, CCTV andsite-graphic displays.
Perimeter Beams. Perimeter beams are a line-of-sight projection of an infaredbeam that, if interrupted (something is in the way), will sound an alarm. They arecommonly used along fence lines surrounding the facility, but can be installed at otherpoints if that is useful. The are referred to as PIR beams.
PIR Beams were originally introduced as a single-beam system where only one beam wastransmitted to a receiver/reflector. They were only moderately dependable as almostanything (weeds, birds, dust, etc.) could interrupt the beam and cause an alarm. Dualbeams followed and reliability increased, since both beams had to be interrupted atessentially the same time to cause an alarm condition. Quad beams (four) are now the mostcommon and are much more reliable than dual- or single-beam systems.
PIR systems are priced on a distance-sensitive basis, i.e., the longer the beam, themore it costs. Many beam systems offer control, enhancing equipment to allow the system tostand alone and operate as an independent entity. Beam systems used in self-storage aremore commonly connected to the site access-control system and operate under its control.PIR systems should be treated as ancillary security and, therefore, used only when aspecific need is identified. They have limited value as a general-security system.
Intercoms. Intercoms are an easy and reliable way to provide voice accessbetween the rental office and key points throughout the facility. Intercom systems includea master station and one or more substations. Master stations are designed to support one,two, three, five, 10 or 20 substations (there may be other variations) and are pricedaccordingly. The larger the capacity, the more they cost. Substations are relativelyinexpensive, generally come with a plastic or metal face, and should always include a callbutton to provide a way for the substation to contact the office.
All primary self-storage security systems should include provisions for an intercomsystem. At a minimum, intercom substations should be associated with the keypads or cardreaders supported by the primary site-security system. The use of intercoms has been oneof convenience in the past. Today, intercom systems are viewed as security and safetydevices and are being installed throughout the site, particularly in inside corridors,multistory buildings, etc. The real decision is not whether to install an intercom system,but how large a master station to buy that will meet your existing and future needs.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). CCTV is available in black-and-white or colorand, in its most simple form, consists of one camera displaying an image on one monitor.Few CCTV systems are limited to only one camera, and since it doesn't make sense to add amonitor for every camera you place, the CCTV manufacturers have developed equipment tohandle multiple cameras. The early systems used a switcher that would allow the office tomanually select which camera image to display or to switch from camera to camera at aspecified interval. Switchers were commonly built to accommodate four or eight cameras.
Next came the quad system, which split the monitor screen into four equal parts so theimages from four cameras could be displayed at the same time. These systems also providedthe ability to display a full screen for a designated camera should the office personnelwant to enlarge the image. Today's systems utilize technology that allows the cameras tobe multiplexed, allowing the monitor to view eight, nine or 16 different images at thesame time. Single, enlarged images can still be viewed easily by office personnel.
A time-lapse VCR is often included with CCTV systems to provide the ability to have arecord on videotape of all activity viewed by the installed cameras. Videotapes aregenerally archived and labeled with the start and end dates should the site need to reviewactivity at a certain point or during a specified period of time.
There are a number of motivations for using CCTV at a facility. They range from simplywanting to see gate activity (if not readily viewed from the rental office) and perhapshaving a video recording of all entries and exits, to having a comprehensive video recordof site activity, including what was stored and by whom. You can spend as much money asyou want on CCTV systems, and you should remember that they have some marketing value whenmonitors are prominently displayed in the rental office. You should also consider thatsuch systems require some human intervention to be effective, therefore their value isoften after the fact, as opposed to systems that are electronically based, such asindividual door alarms.
Site Graphic Displays. These systems provide a full-color view of yourfacility's units, buildings, etc. Unit colors are changed as their statuschanges--rented/vacant, tenant on-site, tenant in unit (alarm systems) and alarms (PIR oralarm systems). Often they will also include activity messages across the display,generated by the primary system.
Most graphic displays address only the security system, including rented and vacantunits. Other displays will also provide management information such as delinquent, lienand unrentable. They display the site by paging or scrolling, as most sites are too largeto fit on a single screen. Some vendors provide the site with the ability to reflectchanges in the unit mix as they occur and stipulating what will be displayed and in whatcolor. This gives the facility the ability to keep the display current and to only displaywhat they deem necessary; for example, they may not want to display delinquent units.
Site graphic displays are most effective when displayed on a separate larger monitor.DOS-based systems require a dedicated processor (a low-end PC) to run the separatedisplay. Windows-based systems utilize a dual-output video card to operate the separatemonitor. Both approaches work satisfactorily, but the Windows-based display offers morecapability and opportunity for future development.
Site graphic-display monitors are often placed in a cabinet along with CCTV monitorsand other peripheral devices. This provides the rental office with a high-tech controlcenter that gives the office some real sizzle when customers and prospects visit. Cabinetscan be purchased from a variety of vendors or can be built at and by the site. Building acabinet on-site is easy, and there is not much for you to know. Once you have decided whatwill be placed in the cabinet, you can easily determine the horizontal shelf spacerequired. The depth will be determined by the size of the monitor you select for thegraphic display, as this is almost always the deepest component.
Construct the cabinet and place the required shelves. Make sure that access to AC poweris provided, and allow for wire to be placed through holes in the shelves or at a space tothe rear of each shelf. Paint the inside of the cabinet black. This reduces theopportunity for light to bounce around inside the cabinet, reducing the effectiveness ofthe displays. Purchase a piece of smoked plexiglas cut to match the opening at the frontof the cabinet. Obtain a hinge or hinges suitable for mounting the plexiglas on thecabinet frame. A piano hinge works well for this purpose. Hinges are not necessary, butyou will want to have access to the inside of the cabinet from time to time, so make iteasy on yourself.
Locate your closest instant-sign store and arrange to have some lettering cut to labelthe devices inside the cabinet. You may also want to have your site name and logo preparedfor placement on the plexiglas. White letters show up very well. This lettering can beprepared so that words or groups of words are registered (in a straight line withappropriate separation between letters and words), which will make it easy for you toaffix them. If you are not up to the task, the sign shop will place them for you for anominal charge.
Shop around for other devices to be placed on the inside of the cabinet that willenhance the high-tech look. For example, Walgreen's sells a digital alarm clock with reddigits about four inches high that shows up extremely well behind the smoked plexiglas.You may also want to include a simple key lock that is available at almost any hardware orbuilders store, etc. The real magic is provided by the site-graphics display and the CCTVmonitor--color and movement that is significantly enhanced when viewed through the smokedplexiglas.
Compatibility With Your Property-Management Software
Self-storage property-management software systems generally have the capability ofcommunicating with access-control and individual door-alarm systems. This is an importantconsideration since it reduces work in the rental office and helps assure that themanagement and security systems are in sync. The primary protocol used is referred to as"interfacing," which essentially means that the management software isdownloading information to the security system, and the security system is acknowledgingreceipt in some manner. Information that is commonly sent to the security system includesmove-ins, move-outs, change pass code, make late and pay up. Other data is becomingavailable that will allow assignment of time zones, access levels and multiple-unitdesignation.
There has been much discussion about establishing a "universal interface"protocol that would allow software and security vendors to communicate between systemsusing the same standards. Several documents have been written and shared among theinvolved vendors, but a ubiquitous spirit of cooperation is not in place. From acustomer's point of view, it would be ideal to have the flexibility to select a preferredsoftware vendor and a preferred security vendor and be assured that an interface existsthat would communicate 100 percent of the required information. Today, this capabilityonly exists with vendors who provide both software and security, or in selected instanceswhere liaisons have been established.
The introduction of Windows-based systems further complicates the interface debate andthe decisions you will make regarding software and security. Windows-based security andsoftware systems can operate in a stand-alone mode, but they can also be integrated ifobtained from the same vendor. Integrated systems completely avoid the interface questionsince they are essentially a single program, written in the same code and sharing the samedatabase.
What Kind of Computer Does Your System Require?
This question is asked when a customer has a computer and wants to know if it will runthe system, or when he is planning to purchase a new PC and wants to know what to buy. Thequestion of using an existing PC should be easily answered by the vendor if you canspecify the general configuration. Does it run DOS or Windows? What version? How muchmemory (RAM) does it have? How much hard-drive space is available? What other programs doyou run? Etc.
Purchasing a new PC requires you to consider what's available on the market as well aswhat the vendor's system requires. The probability is high that a new PC will more thanmeet the vendor's system requirements. This is a subject on which everyone has an opinion.
The very latest technology is always the most expensive. It is this author's opinionthat purchasing a PC a step or so removed provides a better value and will give you morethan enough performance to meet your needs, such as a PENTIUM II, 333 Mhz. Your PC shouldinclude a large hard drive (four gigabytes or more), a minimum of 32 megabytes of RAM, a3.5-inch floppy drive, a mouse, a CD-ROM, a two-megabyte video card, a modem (the fasterthe better), an SVGA monitor (.28 pitch), the latest Windows operating system and aWindows keyboard.
If you arepurchasing a pre-built PC, these specifications should satisfy your needs for some periodof time. If you are ordering a PC and have the opportunity to change this configuration,you should consider adding more hard-drive space and more RAM. Your choice of a CD-ROMshould be directed at speed, with a 24X being the minimum. You may also want to consider alarger monitor than the standard 15-inch. Larger monitors, such as a 17-inch, will cost afew hundred dollars more, but will make working at the PC easier and more enjoyable.
PC technology is changing very rapidly, and you should consider your new PC ashort-term investment (two to three years). At that point in time you must consider themerits of obtaining new and discarding old equipment. The other issue with buying a new PCis where to go to make your purchase. I would suggest that you discuss your purchase withyour self-storage vendor(s) before you buy. Certain brands have high failure rates andhardware/software packages at cheap prices are not always the value they seem to be.
Remember that you are going to depend on the PC to run your business--an important, butnot critical, consideration as it relates to your management software, but absolutelyessential when your PC is responsible for your security system.
Dave Reddick is president of Sentinel Systems Corp. Sentinel is located inLakewood, Colo., and has been manufacturing self-storage software and security systemssince 1975. Mr. Reddick can be reached at (800) 456-9955 or (303) 242-2000; fax (303)242-2010; e-mail [email protected];Web:,
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