Winning Strategies to Expand Your Self-Storage Reach With Grassroots MarketingWinning Strategies to Expand Your Self-Storage Reach With Grassroots Marketing

Grassroots marketing can be an effective way to reach a target audience using affordable solutions. This article will help you develop winning strategies to increase positive word-of-mouth about your self-storage business.

November 9, 2015

5 Min Read
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By Erich Noack

When it comes to developing a marketing strategy for your self-storage business, chances are you’re worried about two things: money and who your message is reaching. Grassroots marketing can be a solution to both concerns. Rather than casting a wide, overarching net, a grassroots approach can target a small group of individuals using affordable solutions. The goal is that the individuals reached will organically spread your message to a larger audience.

Building success in the ever-changing environment of marketing and promotions can be an overwhelming task. But by keeping some basic rules in mind and practicing the following simple suggestions for starting a grassroots campaign, you’ll soon see a boost in your market share and income.

Developing a Strategy

If you’ve never developed a marketing strategy of any kind, then understanding some of the most general rules can be a great way to begin. A well-designed campaign succeeds upon three important characteristics:

  • Consistency: Always be consistent with your message. Consistency breeds a sense of reliability within your brand and company. Constantly changing your message hurts your business, can cost you money and makes your company seem unsure of its purpose.

  • Cost: Be aware of your budget when planning your strategy. Some things will cost and others won’t. Either way, know where your money is going, track which methods are providing you with a significant return and discover which strategies are a waste of resources. Then you can adjust accordingly.

  • Communication: Marketing, no matter the type, boils down to making a connection through clear communication. Determine the types of media most likely to reach your target audience. Stick to these forms of communication as an integral part of your plan.

As you create your plan, keep these guidelines in consideration. You’ll want to gather all of your resources and outline how you’ll tackle the process, what each step will cost and which outlets are best for the audience you wish to reach. Next, decide how you’ll measure the results of your efforts. As your campaign builds, make allotments for the things that work and cut the things that don’t. Be careful not to start and stop a campaign; doing so will only hurt your message. Continue on your planned path, adjusting as the need arises.

Putting Your Strategy Into Action

Grassroots marketing is about being creative with your resources and trying nonobvious solutions. The strategies outlined below are an easy way to launch your campaign. Each will affect your market in different ways and target a select group, so use the ones that pertain directly to your plan and demographic. Some are free, while others will cost a small amount. The list isn’t exhaustive but should get you started.

Offer referral bonuses. Getting people to start talking about your services is one of the best ways to get word-of-mouth exposure among a large audience, and there’s no better place to start than with your own customers. Offering a bonus to existing renters when they refer a friend is one way to spread your reach. Imagine that every one of your tenants knows three people who are in need of self-storage. For every five current customers who refer a friend for the bonus, you’re getting 15 more. In theory, the practice is exponential, bringing you more and more customers for every tenant who takes advantage of the bonus.

Consider giveaways. Continue to target your current customers and their acquaintances by offering giveaways or raffles for units, locks or a free month’s rent. Attracting potential customers to take part in your event will do wonders for gaining name recognition and, at the same time, win some new business. Make a game out of it, giving people tickets and pulling names from a hat or similar system. Provide first, second and third runner-up prizes ranging in degrees of value. This will attract a wide range of people, since everyone likes free stuff. Now you’ll be reaching more people than before.

Use sponsorships. By providing some money to a local little-league baseball, hockey or football team, you can get your business name on player jerseys. This will help reach families who might be moving to a new home or seeking storage space for better organization, and your exposure increases every game. If the idea of a championship game between the local moving company and your self-storage facility isn’t up your alley, consider sponsoring a local event, like a rummage sale or charity fundraiser. For little cost, you can get an ad on a flier that is handed out to thousands of people.

Maximize online marketing. Today’s consumers are using the Internet more often than not to find and purchase goods and services. Your company needs to be visible through online channels. Your website only goes so far in promoting your company, so it’s important to look for other ways to corner the market in your area. Many consumers in need of storage are likely also using services like moving and truck-rental companies. Consider linking yourself with these other local businesses and services through social media outlets like LinkedIn and Pinterest to promote your business online.

Keep Fueling the Conversation

Nothing beats word-of-mouth in the world of marketing. If your customers are telling other people how great your business is, then those folks are likely to put their trust in your customers’ opinions and experiences. That’s invaluable.

Grassroots marketing is critical. What can you do to start a lasting and effective conversation about your business among your target audience? Follow the rules of good marketing and try out some of the ideas above. Getting a plan going will let you know which strategies will work for your business. The rest, hopefully, is simply helping new customers when they come in to rent a unit.

Erich Noack is a content writer at storEDGE, a platform of integrated self-storage products designed to help operators boost rentals, track leads, manage their operation and maximize return on investment. He enjoys helping to develop unique strategies for Web marketing and the opportunity to advance small businesses through the use of language. For more information, visit

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