Atlanta City Councilmember Uses Twitter to Oppose Self-Storage FacilityAtlanta City Councilmember Uses Twitter to Oppose Self-Storage Facility
A proposed four-story self-storage facility in Atlantas Old Fourth Ward district has received resistance from local residents and a member of the city council, who has started a social media campaign against the project. Councilmember Kwanza Hall is using the Twitter hashtag #nomorestorage to communicate about the proposal.
April 11, 2013
A proposed four-story self-storage facility in Atlantas Old Fourth Ward district has received resistance from local residents and a member of the city council, who has started a social media campaign against the project. Councilmember Kwanza Hall is using the Twitter hashtag #nomorestorage to communicate about the proposal.
A storage facility on the @beltline Eastside trail [sic] is bad enough but now another one! #nomorestorage, Hall posted on Tuesday.
Residents have opposed the project since it was first proposed in 2011, preferring mixed-use developments that would complement the nearby Eastside Trail recreational area, which offers a multi-use trail and green space.
Opponents also have argued that two existing self-storage facilities near the Eastside Trail is enough.
Creative Loafing Atlanta: Old Fourth Ward, You're Getting a ... Self-Storage Facility?
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