Don't Shoot the MessengerDon't Shoot the Messenger

Amy Campbell, Senior Editor

September 3, 2008

2 Min Read
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Last week I talked about the facet of a self-storage manager’s life that entails offering a sympathetic ear to distressed customers. This week another “hat” caught my eye—policeman.
My other hobby—if you could call it a hobby—is firearms. I own a few handguns (not much into rifles and shotguns; I leave that for the Y side of the chromosome pool.) But I enjoy small arms, have a concealed weapon permit, frequently practice at the local indoor range and used to teach firearms safety to women. My guns are locked in a safe bolted to the floor of my house.  
Sometime ago this news item was published in Inside Self-Storage. The Boston police were searching for a man who had stored an arsenal including a rocket launcher, guns, ammunition and knives at self-storage facilities in Kingston and Pembroke, Mass. Allegedly the munitions were purchased legally but the renter did not have a valid gun permit. Of course this is not the first, nor sadly, will it be the last, incident of people taking advantage of self-storage's innate privacy to stash legal and illegal firearms
A vast variety of weapons are legal in most states. However, in many cases, storage facilities can only trust the customer will not keep illegal, dangerous or hazardous items in their units. Unfortunately, it is only when the renter defaults or some other circumstance occurs that allows staff legal access to the unit are contents such as these discovered.
Obviously, a manager can’t assume guilt without proof. But just for grins and to lighten the mood, here’s an imaginary dialogue for the New, Super-Vigilant Manager:
“Welcome to Mega XXX Self Storage, sir. In keeping with our Ultra-Max Security Policy, please let me know if you are intending on storing any of the following: Caches of munitions, LAW rockets, anti-tank missiles, grenades, automatic weapons, C4 or WMDs?”
“No? Then thank you for choosing to rent with Mega XXX Self Storage. Please sign your contract.”
Yes, the manager’s lot is not always an easy one. ISS offers several articles and legal learning webinars on the subject of security and contracts. A quick search of our archives under either word will garner you much sage advice.

About the Author

Amy Campbell

Senior Editor, Inside Self Storage

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