Beyond the Election ... Let's Talk Connection (The Real Work Ahead)
This week saw the culmination of one of the most fascinating election seasons the American public has experienced in a very long time. For many, it has been thought-consuming and emotional, regardless of personal affiliation. Now that it's over, sentiments swathe the board, ranging from elation to anxiety to outright fury. But feelings have no place in the matter; the important thing now is to move forward and do the work that must be done—as a country, yes, but also as individuals, families and businesses.
This holiday season will be difficult. Even those with sufficient financial comfort to weather the expense of the months ahead will have to contend with the reality staring them in the face: There are others much less fortunate, and everywhere.
This is why it so pleases me to have been flooded this week with news of self-storage companies that are pulling together to help those in need this winter. Two weeks ago in this blog, I wrote about holiday-giving plans, sharing examples of simple measures storage managers and owners can take to reach out to their communities this season. I'm resurrecting the topic to share some new nuggets of inspiration that have come to light.
1. has organized 1,200 of its member self-storage facilities to participate in a Toys for Tots drive. The facilities are offering one month of free storage to anyone who makes a minimum $20 cash donation. [ Organizes Massive Toys For Tots Drive]
2. Cranney Self Storage of Danvers, Mass., is also participating in Toys for Tots this year, serving as a drop-off location for new, unwrapped donations. [Cranney Self Storage Supports Massachusetts Toys for Tots]
3. Door To Door Storage will be partnering with University of San Diego students this month on a Thanksgiving House, which involves renovating the home of 58-year-old Rosalie Cardenas, who inexplicably lost the use of her legs last year and is confined to a wheelchair. [Door To Door Storage Participates in Thanksgiving House With USD]
4. U.S. Door & Building Components has just donated time and materials to the construction of a new boxing gym, part of a youth-outreach project carried out by the Hill Family of Geneva, N.Y. The family was recently chosen as the worthy recipient of a widespread home renovation as part of ABC reality TV show "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition." [U.S. Door Supports Youth Boxing Program Via Donation to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition]
5. Sentry Self Storage Management has partnered with the Florida Self Storage Association in yet another Toys for Tots campaign. The companies 30-plus facilities are serving as collection sites.
Again, I urge you all to consider building a plan for charitable work, if not for the holidays, then for some time in 2009. I will also remind you that Inside Self-Storage has extended the deadline for its Humanitarian Service Award Program through Nov. 21. If you or someone you know in the industry participates in a fundraising or other charitable program, event or cause, please consider submitting a nomination. We're giving away four $2,000 grants to assist our winners in their great work.
Whether your thoughts for the country's future are optimistic or other, it's going to take all of us working together to make the days ahead manageable. The self-storage industry is a relatively small community, yet it is full of kind-hearted, creative-minded and generous individuals. Please share your thoughts for community outreach in this blog: programs and ideas you've tried yourself or just ones you'd like to put on the table for others' consideration. I look forward to learning of your successes in the giving arena in the weeks ahead!
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