Washington, DC, Mayor Signs Amendments to the Federal District’s Self-Storage Lien LawsWashington, DC, Mayor Signs Amendments to the Federal District’s Self-Storage Lien Laws

June 26, 2024

1 Min Read

Muriel Bowser, mayor of Washington, D.C., signed Council Bill 250432 (B25-0432) into law on April 25, updating the federal district’s self-storage laws in three key areas. The legislation took effect on June 12, according to a June 24 email newsletter from the national Self Storage Association (SSA) to its members.

B25-0432 allows self-storage operators to send default notices to tenants by U.S. mail with a certificate of mailing, eliminating a requirement for a newspaper ad to be published before a lien sale. They can also host online auctions in lieu of onsite lien sales and publish information about them. Lastly, the new law authorizes towing for certain titled property.

The SSA represents more than 22,000 U.S. and international member-affiliated self-storage facilities, according to its website. It’s allied with several state and international self-storage associations and has about 6,000 members.

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