Self-Storage Pricing Restrictions in Effect in Los Angeles County Until January 2026 in Response to Ongoing WildfiresSelf-Storage Pricing Restrictions in Effect in Los Angeles County Until January 2026 in Response to Ongoing Wildfires

ISS Staff

January 28, 2025

1 Min Read
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In response to the ongoing wildfires in the state, California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued emergency declarations that affect self-storage and other industries in Los Angeles County.  California Penal Code 396 imposes pricing restrictions on various businesses until Jan. 7, 2026, according to a Jan. 27 email newsletter from the national Self Storage Association (SSA) to its members.

Under this law, self-storage providers can’t increase rental rates to more than 10% above those that were charged to renters before the emergency declaration. However, there’s some flexibility if the previous rate reflected a temporary discount or the business can justify a higher increase due to additional operating costs.

The California Attorney General’s Office is enforcing strict compliance. It has sent more than 200 warning letters to landlords and hotels and opened criminal investigations into accusations of price gouging, the source reported.

The SSA represents more than 22,000 U.S. and international member-affiliated self-storage facilities, according to its website. It’s allied with several state and international self-storage associations and has about 6,000 members.

Source: SSA Magazine Weekly, 1/27/25, “California Fires: Pricing Restrictions in Effect Until January 2026”

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